Simple Tips For Staying Fit During The Holidays
Christmas is the preferred time of most: The decorations are everywhere in the house, and the excitement grows bigger and bigger as the advent calendar grows thinner! But unfortunately, the festive season is also the time of unforgivable indulgences that will endanger your bikini figure and erase all your fitness and dieting efforts in a few bites! I know it’s hard not to give in to the delicious food around you! So here’s a little guide to help you keep your motivation while still enjoying a wonderful Christmas, and maybe even a little slice of cake!
Make Time For Exercise
Christmas is a naturally busy period of the year. We all have so much to prepare between buying presents, cooking a yummy family dinner, decorating the house, and picking your best quill to write Santa a letter. But you will find it easier to stick to your fitness regime if you don’t upset your fitness habits. Why should you stop the gym just because it’s a festive season? Plan it ahead to make sure that you have blocked the time in your daily calendar for an hour of the treadmill or some weight work. Whatever floats your boat when you train, it is essential that you keep up with your training even during Christmas time! There are also plenty of options to exercise at home too if you don’t want to leave your loved ones. This will keep you focused, and hopefully help you say no to a second serving of turkey.
Have A Little Help From Clever Food and Supplements
It is far too easy at Christmas to indulge a little and have a delicious hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows and whipped cream on top. Sometimes it is even better to allow yourself some small pleasures, as this will avoid the desperate cravings in the middle of the night in front of the fridge. But if you do choose to enjoy the Christmas food, you need to add clever food supplements to your diet to help control your appetite. Sugar is well known for creating cravings that can take over the feeling of fullness. Chia seeds are a healthy alternative to sweet puddings and will leave you feeling satisfied.
Similarly, if you don’t want to cook separately for yourself, there are some smart supplements on the market. To the question does fish oil help with weight loss, the answer tends to be a fat yes, so it’s something you may want to consider to assist you through the festive period.
Put Your Tightest Clothes On
Forget the Christmas jumper and pick instead a bodycon dress or a pair of classic skinny trousers to keep you motivated during the Christmas days. If you are wearing your tightest clothes, you will be less likely to indulge in over-eating. So, keep the skirts shorts, your legs out, and your tummy pulled in. Your future self will be grateful at the start of 2017 when everyone else will be crying over the bad surprise on the bathroom scale.