Baby Products, Bag & Purse Reviews, New Mommy Essential Gift Guide, Reviews

Moms Can Be Stylish To With The Mia Tui Ella Plum Bag

A special thanks to Mia Tui for providing the Miss Frugal Mommy blog with their product for free in exchange for an honest review!

Moms Can Be Stylish Too With The Mia Tui Ella Plum Bag

 About Mia Tui

Mia Tui was born in 2010 after I’d spent years searching for the perfect bag that would suit my busy lifestyle. I’m a mother of two, working, going to the gym, doing the school run, shopping and travelling. I’ve got a busy life but I couldn’t find a bag that could keep up with me. Mia Tui is the busy woman’s best friend – it is stylish yet completely practical. Quite simply it looks great and does its job. Mia Tui was created in Vietnam, a place I called home for 3 years and an incredibly vibrant community with a dedication to craftsmanship that you can see in every single Mia Tui bag. I’ve spent many hours at the Mia Tui factory to ensure they have good working conditions and enjoy their environment. And we’ve developed work from home and basic skill development programmers for all Mia Tui makers. We’re very proud that our people come before anything else. After all that’s where quality starts, in the hands of our craftsmen and women. It’s not an understatement to say I love Mia Tui and I’m dedicated to seeing us grow and develop. I hope you’ll come along for what I’m sure will be an exciting journey. So if you feel like you’re juggling a thousand lives why not see if Mia Tui suits you?

Charlotte – Director & Founder Mia Tui Ltd UK

Moms Can Be Stylish To With The Mia Tui Ella Plum Bag

 My Review

Being a mother of three children, I have come to terms with the fact that I will be sporting a diaper bag for many more years to come. However, just because I am having to depend on a spaciously organized and convenient diaper bags doesn’t mean the bag actually has to look like one! When I had my first child over eight years ago, there was a much smaller range of stylish diaper bags and I simply settled for one that served its purpose, but wasn’t necessarily one that I found to be stylish. Luckily a lot has changed in the diaper bag department since having my baby girl in July and there is a vast selection of stylish diaper bags out there now. Gone are the days of puppy and kitten covered diaper bags. Us moms can now proudly flaunt our diaper bags that complement our personalities. So yes my friends, moms can be stylish to and I am here today to introduce you to my new favorite diaper bag!

I was recently on the web searching for a new diaper bag, one that had a good strap on it, contained plenty of space, and it of course had to be super girly because that’s just who I am! My daughter loves to be in her baby carrier and I do all of my shopping and errands with her in it. The problem I was having with my current bag was that I couldn’t carry it over my shoulder any longer because the carrier strap was preventing me from doing so. carrying it with my hand was not an option because I also have a four year old that needs to hold my hand when walking through the parking lot and such. My search for the perfect and convenient diaper bag eventually led my to the Ella Plum Mai Tui bag, am elegant shoulder bag with a whole lot of style. 

Moms Can Be Stylish To With The Mia Tui Ella Plum Bag

The ultra-soft faux leather creates the perfect look for this bag, as well as makes it extremely easy to keep clean. Diaper bags go with you ever where and end up on the floor a lot of the time, so being able to easily clean it was a huge plus for me. The outside pocket allows me to have easy access to my cell phone and keys. I just love all of the little features on the bag, making it unique and fun. As you can see from the images above, there are two strap options for this bag, giving you numerous comfort options. The straps do not cause any issues when carrying it on my shoulder with the baby carrier on. I have been using it all week while running errands and the bag stays right in place, never falls off my shoulder, even with the baby carrier on!

Moms Can Be Stylish To With The Mia Tui Ella Plum Bag Moms Can Be Stylish To With The Mia Tui Ella Plum Bag

 The next big question would be… what does the bag look like on the inside? Is it spacious, organized and easy to clean? The answer to all of those questions is YES! This bag contains several compartments to keep everything very organized and easy to find. Additioanlly it has a phone pocket, pen holder, key clip, two water bottle holders and super adorable pink interior. The interior is also waterproof and easy to clean, so no need to fret over leaks and snack crumbs.

Moms Can Be Stylish To With The Mia Tui Ella Plum Bag

As if this bag couldn’t be any more perfect, it also includes a clear internal bag and a matching clutch bag, both containing hand straps. I just love the clear bag for all of my baby’s diapering needs and I can always find it quite easily. Stuff like that tends to get greasy and messy, so having it in it’s own bag is ideal and it also means a easier clean up. The matching clutch bag is great for those times that I am just quickly running into a store and don’t necessarily need my entire bag. The clutch can fit my wallet, cell phone, keys, and  diaper and wipes just in case my baby needs to be changed.

Overall this back screams perfection and provides me with everything I need in a diaper, plus so much more! I have been so happy with the convenient and ease of bringing it with my everywhere while having my baby in the carrier. I am also ecstatic with the fact that I don’t have to settle with a plain old diaper bag for the next few years and that I can maintain my style and fashion sense. I highly recommend this diaper bag, which can also be used as an every day bag and it is available at a very affordable price.



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51 thoughts on “Moms Can Be Stylish To With The Mia Tui Ella Plum Bag

  1. The purse is very spacious and would do great for those of us who carry a lot of things around including electronics.

  2. This looks like a great bag for a work woman, mommy and one who just likes to carry a cute, quality bag wherever they go!

  3. I was actual jealous when I first saw this bag. When my first two were babies, they never had a diaper bag that I was proud to tote around. I would definitely use this bag if I needed a diaper bag–it would be one of those “must have” items. The clear internal bag to keep lotions and ointments in–in case of spillage but easy to find what you need quickly is so smart. The ability to keep so many things in one bag is a perfect solution while looking stylish.

  4. Stylish with plenty of room AND water proof on the inside as well as the outside! A Mom could not ask for anything more!

  5. I am always throwing stuff in my bag; it’s amazing how large this bag is inside with plenty of organized space to put things in. This kind of bag is perfect for someone like me who needs help organizing their stuff.

  6. This bag does not look like a diaper bag at all. It is very stylish and I love it and I know my daughters would also. This company really thought of everything when they added spots for two bottles. Overall, I think this bag would be a joy to own and if I won, I would be so pleased to be able to give this beautiful bag to my daughter.

  7. I think it’s wonderful that these bags were invented by a Mom for Moms!
    Very nice bags! Thank you for your awesome review! !

  8. Talk about a gorgeous bag that holds everything and more us busy moms need day to day. The price is awesome but the style is perfect for me.

  9. I really like the color and the shape of this bag. I might possibly be a bit larger than I normally carry but I can always use more room! lol

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