
Inspired Ways To Fill A Boring Day

There are times when motherhood can get a little mundane and boring. Those days when you know, you’ve got the ironing to do and a meal to prepare can feel like every other day you’ve had so far this week. Lots of Moms feel bored occasionally. Fortunately, there are lots of things you can fit into a busy day that helps relieve the boredom. Get rid of that ‘samey’ feeling, and try something a little different today.

Rainy days can feel even more boring than usual. But you can take advantage of some ‘feet up’ time by browsing the latest catalogs to pop through the door. Grab a red marker and circle all those things you fancy buying. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a designer fashion label or the Lidl catalogs that you’re marking up. Retail therapy is good for you, but even better when you don’t have to leave the house!

Another great rainy day activity is writing. You might have a journal or diary you like to jot your thoughts into. Or maybe you’re secretly a poet and like to write prose? Short stories, blogs, film scripts and Fan Fiction are all great creative outlets. And they are marvellous for filling an hour or two of time. If you’ve never written before, why not have a go now? You could start a blog about your family life. Or even look up the next writing competition entry?

Painting, sketching and drawing are also wonderfully creative ways to fill up some spare time. Sitting in the garden or local park may inspire you to capture the local flora or maybe a landscape scene. If you’re not too good at art, why not set yourself a photography project? All you need is a theme, like purple, or triangles. Or maybe you fancy capturing the beauty of your favorite place?

Inspired Ways To Fill A Boring Day

Flickr provided the photo


When you have children, it can be tricky to keep them entertained. So when you have a few minutes spare, why not find some inspiring activities you can all do together? There are plenty to find and choose from. Some may need you to set up some toys or craft items. Or maybe you can come up with something fun yourself? Why not set up a treasure hunt? You’ll need clues and a map. You could all dress up as pirates too!

A trip to your local farmer’s market could be just the thing to inspire the chef in you. If you’re looking for inspirational new recipes, the market could be the perfect place to find ingredients as well as ideas. Craft fairs, antique stalls, retro clothing and other pop-up sellers can all be the source of inspiration for your next big project too. If nothing else, it’s a way to ease the boredom of a quiet afternoon.

Those tedious tasks we all have to do can also be made less boring if you mix them up a little. Do the ironing in the garden. Let the kids create a pizza for tonight’s meal. Or try something completely different and tackle those tasks later instead. Have fun.

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