Be Prepared For Fun: Game Night Checklist
A game night is a fun and inexpensive activity for couples, families or even just a group of friends or work colleagues. Poker nights are one of the most traditional themes that many people enjoy, but there are hundreds of different games to play that will appeal to those of every age and ability. In order to host the perfect game night, you only need a little preparation to ensure everybody has an enjoyable evening to remember.
Set The Scene
If you will be playing cards or board games, then the first thing you will need is a sturdy table. You can buy professional tables from gaming stores or even have a go at making your own. Alternatively, a dining table covered with a thick felt fabric will work just as well. Make sure you have enough comfortable chairs for everyone as well as pillows, blankets and sleeping bags if you expect the activities to continue into the night.
Create a cozy atmosphere by turning down the lights and playing some background music. You may also need to set up a separate table for the food to avoid covering your game table with chili sauce and dip.
Prepare The Activities
Familiarize yourself with the rules of the game before your guests arrive, and it may be useful to print out a copy of the rules and display them for new players. Prepare your table by laying out the game or decks of cards along with pens and pencils to keep track of the score. If you will be playing a board game, then you may want to have a few alternative games to hand in case your guests get tired of the same one. Visit for inspiration on different games to try out. If you are expecting young children, then it’s a good idea to have alternative entertainment for them in case they become bored. Coloring books, DVDs and face paints are great ways to keep kids entertained, and older children might prefer a laptop or tablet where they can play online games. The scouting report foosball to be a great activity for friends to enjoy together.
Provide Refreshments
Refreshments are an important part of game nights and can be much more exciting than just a bowl of chips and dip. A chili bar is a fun way to serve a hearty meal that will keep your guests satisfied, and you can include a number of options such as hot dogs, nachos, pasta and baked potatoes.
If you are feeling adventurous, then there are hundreds of game night recipe ideas online including classics such as Buffalo wings, cheese balls and guacamole. Make sure you have plenty of soft drinks available along with beer, wine or spirits to offer your guests, and you could invest in a cocktail kit and serve homemade cocktails to your guests upon arrival.
Game nights are a great way to spend a rainy day stuck indoors or you could even choose to host them outside in the garden during the summer months. To add even more excitement, choose small prizes for the winners such as a bottle of wine, a book or a gift voucher.
Victoria Wallis holds family game night every Friday at her house. Anywhere between 2-5 kids plus 2-4 parents can be involved as her sister’s family live just around the corner. She writes on family topics for a selection of parenting sites in her free moments.
Hi Heather,
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I got the best inspiration from this article. After reading this article, I also inspired myself for enjoying a night with a recreational game. This really exciting for me to prepare settings to enjoy the whole night with my family and children. Thank you very much for this interesting blog!
Hey Heather,
Thank you so much for this interesting blog!