3 Movies I’m Currently Streaming on Netflix
While you spent last year shuffling the kids to hockey games, helping solve their quadratic equations and giving the little ones their baths, you probably missed episodes – if not full seasons – of some great shows. Did Olivia kick Fitz to the curb on Scandal? Who’s rocking the break room on Grey’s Anatomy? Just how long is Rick’s beard now on The Walking Dead? With full-blown fall premiere season upon us, now’s the time to grab your boo and glass of wine (or just grab the wine!) and dust off your shelfies. What’s a shelfie you ask? We all have them – they’re the shows you’ve been wanting to watch but they’ve been sitting on the virtual shelf because…well, because you’re a parent and who has the time? With the kids back in school and everyone on a consistent sleep schedule, I FINALLY have a few “free” hours at night to catch up on some of my favorite shows. Check out the 3 shows I am currently streaming on Netflix! |
Scandal |
I started streaming this show at the beginning of summer and really got into it, so much scandal, haha. However, summer just got really busy with family visiting and such that I didn’t get chance to even make it through the first season. I recently starting watching this show again and I am so glad because it is so great!
Once Upon A Time The kids and I have seriously been waiting forever for Netflix to start streaming the newest season. I just love this show because it’s overall pretty family friendly and the story is very intriguing. The kids were thrilled about all of the Frozen characters featured in the new season and I was personally ecstatic about maleficent! We literally streamed the entire new season over the weekend and I am telling you now… it was not a dissappointment! If you are new to this show then I highly recommend it, each season is really good and would be perfect for a family movie night. |
The Walking Dead Lastly… my favorite show of all time… none other than The Walking Dead! This is number one on my list, I have been a fanatic since the very beginning. Each year (right before the season premier of a new season) I will stream all of the old episodes… I call it my Walking Dead marathon and plan it out so that I complete all of the old seasons just as the new one premiers. I am a dork… I know! But this is one of those shows that I personally never get sick of and it’s just as exciting watching it the 10th time as it was the 1st time! |
I hope you enjoyed my list and I have given you some great ideas on movies to stream now that you have more free time. I am leaving more hit shows for you down below, enjoy and happy streaming my friends! Gotham: Season 1 (Available 9/21) |
The Blacklist: Season 1-2 |
Grey’s Anatomy |
The League: Season 6 |
Heroes |
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