Frugal Living

Ways to Make Money Off Your Spring Cleaning

Few people enjoy housework, and even fewer find pleasure in major spring cleaning. However, if the prospect of vacuuming behind couches, beating rugs, scrubbing walls, and sweeping decks is less than thrilling, you might find some excitement in the annual activity if you stand to make a little cash.

Hiding around your home are items that might seem like trash to you but remain useful to others. While it might require some elbow grease to locate and restore your secret gems, a few days of spring cleaning will not go unrewarded if you manage to find and sell your unwanted stuff. This guide will help you uncover the valuables you might be tempted to throw away.

What’s Valuable

Almost everything has some value, but the following items will surely net you something for your spring cleaning efforts.


You can make this year the year you finally gain a wardrobe you are proud of. Too often, we stuff our closets with more and more clothes in the hopes that with more options, we will have more opportunities to feel good about how we look. However, minimalists around the world claim the opposite is true: Having fewer and simpler articles of clothing makes dressing easier.

During your spring clean, you can get right of any clothing items that:

  • You’ve never worn
  • Are multiples
  • Don’t fit well
  • You hate wearing


When was the last time you used a DVD? Have you ever reread one of those old magazines you keep in the cupboard? Do you even own a CD player anymore? Media like books, magazines, CDs, and DVDs are expensive, which means we tend to hold onto them for a long time. However, if you aren’t going to use them ever again, you might as well purge them. Collectors, nostalgists, and others are more than willing to pay discounted prices for your gently used junk, and you can do much more with cash than a few old compact discs.

Crafting Scrap

It happens to the best of us: You decide to cultivate a new hobby, invest heavily in tools and supplies, practice for two weeks straight, and then completely forget all about it. You probably have skeins of yarn, stacks of scrapbooking paper, and other bits and pieces of crafts clogging up drawers around your home, and this year, you should get rid of it. Committed crafters are eager for nearly any materials they can use, so you can unload your abandoned hobbies for a tidy profit.


This spring cleaning money-maker is tricky because you might not realize what old items are antiques and what remains junk. If you suspect something you own to be more valuable than it looks, you should contact someone experienced in assessing the type of goods you have to offer. This might seem time-consuming and unnecessary, but more than a few priceless artifacts have been uncovered in attics and garages, and yours might hold the next great find.

What to Do With It

Once you have a few valuable items you know you no longer need, it is time to find other people to take them from you. Fortunately, the trendiness of the sharing economy is increasing your avenues for income every day.


To do some good with your spring cleaning, you might consider donating your unwanted items to charities. The more specialized you can be with your donations, the more good you can do; for examples, magazines and books can go to libraries, toys can go to children’s hospitals, and vehicles like boats and cars can go to organizations equipped to handle them. Plus, almost all donations are tax deductible, as long as you obtain a receipt detailing the items you gave.

Consignment Stores

Though they might not be reliable sources of income, consignment stores will probably take some of your unwanted stuff and reimburse you with cold hard cash. Gently used, branded clothing, books, current electronics, like-new furniture, and more can be sold, and you’ll usually earn about a quarter of their original value in cash.

Garage Sale

Instead of driving around the city looking for potential buyers, you can host your own sale in your front yard. You can set your own prices to earn as much as you want ― but you should know that garage sale buyers tend to be tight-fisted with their money. Additionally, you have to be a relatively smart marketer to bring sufficient attention to your garage sale; sidewalk signs are seldom enough to attract big crowds.

Sites and Apps

Though sites like eBay and Craigslist have allowed you to sell your stuff for some time, newer sites and apps are making the process even easier. For the best results, you should consider posting your items in multiple places, including:

  • LetGo
  • OfferUp
  • Poshmark
  • thredUP
  • Gazelle
  • Book Scouter

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