How To Get Your Garden Ready For Spring
We might still be in the throes of winter right now, but pretty soon, spring is going to come along and banish some of that colder weather. When it does, you’ll probably want to spend more time outside, which is why now is an excellent time to think about your garden.
You may have ignored this part of your home over the last few months because of the season, so you’ll need to do some prep work before you’re spring ready. Luckily for you, everything you need to know to get your garden ready is right here.
Consider this your checklist for the weeks ahead.
Clear The Airspace
If you have trees in your garden you need to make sure you are staying on top of the maintenance. They can grow rapidly and this leads to less light and less space in your garden. Definitely not ideal if you want to get out and enjoy the sunshine. If you are trying to create space or your trees are too close to your home you may want to consider using a tree removal service to open up your space.
Consider What You’ll Plant
Deciding what will go into your garden over the coming months can be an exciting task, and it’s one that’s easily done inside if it’s still chilly out. Working this out now will save you a lot of time once you feel your outside space is ready to come alive again.
Don’t feel like you need to rush this decision as there are tons of different flower options available to you. Some of these spring plants may speak to you, or you may feel inclined to go with something that won’t properly flower until the summer. Just have some fun thinking about the different designs you can create outside and what will work best for your garden.
Check Your Tools
Spring is an excellent time to do some garden maintenance, which means now might be a good opportunity to check your tools. You want these to be at their best so that the backbreaking job of digging holes, planting flowers, and all that is a lot easier to handle.
So, it’s worth looking through your collection and seeing if anything needs to be sharpened or thrown out. A mill file can help with the former, while a trip to the garden store can always help with the latter.
Consider this an opportunity to treat yourself to some new tools, maybe even upgrading what you already had to a better model. Spring is always like a fresh new start, so there’s no harm in splurging on a few things that will make gardening easier and more enjoyable.
Prepare For The Birds
A well-maintained garden can be a hub of life in the spring, especially if you cater to the wildlife who might like to visit. Birds may visit your garden at any time of the year, so setting up bird feeders is never a bad idea. You don’t have to wait for spring to do this, with bird food actually best offered in winter when supplies might be lower.
It’s okay if you haven’t prepared for your wildlife before now, though. It’s never too late to show that you care by buying some food for garden birds and any extras you might think they’d like. Little Peckers offers a wide range of garden bird supplies, including boxes, baths, and tables, that you can fill your garden with.
Not only will this give your outdoor space some added decoration, but it will also ensure your garden is the place for birds to be. Just imagine how nice it will be to watch them flying around outside as the days grow warmer and the flowers start to bloom.
Tidy Up Your Soil
If you’ve neglected your outdoor space over the winter, a few things will likely have happened. For one, weeds will probably have begun growing, a problem that you definitely won’t want to leave unattended if you’re going to have a beautiful spring garden. Secondly, you may have accumulated a lot of dead organic matter, especially if you have trees.
You can deal with this stuff once the new season arrives, but it may be better to get it out of the way sooner rather than later. Provided the weather’s agreeable, an afternoon spent cleaning leaves and removing weeds from your soil can be quite relaxing. Just make sure that you dispose of the latter properly, so that their seeds don’t germinate and cause more weeds to grow. There’s no point getting rid of them now if more are just going to pop up come spring.
Make A Composting Space
If you usually dispose of garden waste in the bin, you might want to try something new this year. Rather than just throwing it away, you could compost it so that you’ll have something to enrich your plants with.
Now’s a great time to find a spot in your garden to put your organic waste and start building it up. If you’ve never composted before, this advice might come in handy as it has all the basics you need to know about. The sooner you get started, the sooner your flowers will be able to reap the rewards.
Install A Water Butt
If you don’t already have a water butt, you might want to install one imminently. These things are ideal for providing a natural source of water, particularly in the summer, when heatwaves can cause shortages.
Although it’s beneficial to have one of these in the winter as that’s when we get the most precipitation, getting one now is perfectly fine. Even though spring weather is generally nicer, the UK is still prone to plenty of rainfall around this time of year.
The great thing about water butts is that they last a long time, so you won’t need to buy a new one every year. What’s more, it’s believed that rainwater is actually better for plants because it doesn’t contain the chemicals that may be found in tap water. So, by installing a water butt, you’re actually giving your new flowers a better chance in life.
If it’s still cold outside, gardening might not be high on your list of priorities. However, tending to your outdoor space now can have some real benefits once spring rolls around. You’ll be grateful that you put in the work beforehand so you can just enjoy the fun side of gardening when it’s warmer.