Frugal Living, Pets

How To Score Free Pet Samples In Your Mailbox

A special thanks to PINCHme for providing the Miss Frugal Mommy blog with a box of samples for free in exchange for an honest review! I receive payments for clicks, purchases, and/or registrations made through affiliate links in this post.

How To Score Free Pet Samples In Your Mailbox

For all of my pet lovers out there, I am thrilled to share with you today a simple way to score free pet samples in your mailbox! I have mentioned PinchMe box in previous blog posts, but just as a refresher, I am going to explain to you how it works. PinchMe is a legitimate free sample website that provides members with free samples by mail in exchange for your opinions… no stings attached!

How To Score Free Pet Samples In Your Mailbox

PINCHme has a variety of product samples available for the entire family to enjoy, including food, health and hygiene products… plus things available for your baby or pet! Members are able to claim samples every month and in return, all they ask is for your feedback on the products. This is such a great way to try products out before deciding to purchase them. We recently received a box of some amazing pet samples and my two cats were anxious to try them out (as you can see!)

How To Score Free Pet Samples In Your Mailbox

Have you seen the cat aisle at your local pet store lately? Or the grocery store for that matter? The options are overwhelming! That is why samples are the best way to find out which treats your beloved cat will actually enjoy and you don’t have to worry about purchasing full size products that will go to waste if your cat doesn’t like them.

How To Score Free Pet Samples In Your Mailbox

In addition to cat samples, if you own a dog then you will be happy to know that they also offer free samples for dog owners. Make sure to visit PINCHme the second Tuesday of each month to select all of the free samples you want to receive in your box. This is seriously the best free samples website I have ever used and I am always so pleased with the samples they have to offer.

How To Score Free Pet Samples In Your Mailbox

So there you have it, my box of sample for this month! I was really pleased about everything and you can’t beat free… am I right!? If you are a sample addict such as myself and love trying out products before purchasing them, I highly suggest you check out PINCHme today!

How To Score Free Pet Samples In Your Mailbox

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