How is blood in stool found and treated
There are many serious conditions that a person can have, and one of them is blood in stool. This unfortunately quite common condition comes from a variety of causes and the effects of it are unpleasant. Those that find themselves affected by this condition start looking for a solution that might help them get rid of the problem. In this article we will take the time to look at how blood in stool can be corrected and how someone suffering from this can dodge even more serious health concerns.
Before we begin however, let’s take a couple of moments to clarify what blood in stool is exactly, as many people might be a little confused as to what that term actually implies. To put it simply, blood in stool is when bright red colored blood appears in a person’s stool. The passage of blood through the anus is also a way in which it can be explained.
There are several causes that might lead to having blood in your stool, but here are some of the ones doctors think of immediately when presented with such a case:
- Anal fissures are one of the leading causes of blood in stool.
- Hemorrhoids are a close second when it comes to this sort of problem.
- Diverticulosis, colitis and angiodyspasias are some of the less known terms representing causes of this problem.
- Colon cancer is the more gruesome answer off this list, but it is still a cause of blood in stool which has to be pointed out.
Now that we have familiarized ourselves a little bit as to what blood in stool actually is, let’s take a look at what is usually done to make it go away, because that is what people want to know most.
Gastroenterologists take a look and examine the patient and then, with the help of general or colorectal surgeons, proceed to treating the case. They use physical exams and the patient’s history to determine what exactly caused it in the first place. There is an array of other tools or processes that are used to properly identify the cause of this, such as a colonoscopy, flexible endoscopy, capsule endoscopy, visceral angiograms and even blood tests. All of these offer important information about what made the patient start seeing blood in their stool.
Anemia or low blood volume are approached and corrected by the doctors when trying to manage the bleeding that finds its way into the stool. Once the source of the bleeding is properly discovered, doctors proceed to patch it up, or in more professional terms correct it.
There are also measures taken to make sure that bleeding won’t happen again. Depending on the source of the bleeding, this can mean different things. In the case of polyps or a tumor, they are removed.