Hope For Couples Struggling To Get Pregnant
This is a sponsored conversation from Mums the Word Network and The Stork OTC. All opinions are my own. #whyStorkOTC
I have a friend from high school that I still keep in touch with, I really enjoy seeing all of the photos she shares on Facebook for her two beautiful children. What many may not know upon observing those two adorable kids is how much their parents struggled to have a family. I remember the first time she announced to everyone that she was expecting, it was only a few shorts weeks that she sadly announced she had lost the baby. They tried again several months later, but sadly they lost that baby as well. She became pregnant many more times over the years, but unfortunately she lost all of them. She use to send me messages all of the time when she would become pregnant, only informing a handful of friends/family because having to report to everyone that she lost the baby again was simply unbearable. I felt an indescribable pain for her losses, but felt blessed that she felt comfortable enough to console in me and open up about her infertility issues.
If you have ever struggled with becoming pregnant, people automatically suggest that they seek out fertility treatments without really understanding these costly procedures. IUI averages $865/cycle and IVF averages $12,400/cycle… those numbers add up very quickly when couples struggle for extended periods of time to get pregnant. Before taking that route, there is still hope for couples struggling to get pregnant… which doesn’t involve shots, scans, prescriptions or procedures!
The Stork OTC is the only FDA cleared, over the counter home conception device that uses a cervical cap insemination that women and couples can use at home, in private. The Stork OTC home conception device is more effective at delivering sperm to the cervix than natural intercourse when trying to get pregnant. Now women and couples struggling to conceive a child have an easy to use, drug free, clinically validated conception aid they can use to help with becoming pregnant!
The Stork OTC has shown in clinical studies to deliver a 3.23x higher value of sperm concentration at the cervix compared to the value of sperm concentration with natural intercourse. Does how does it work anyways? The Stork OTC combines advanced technology with an established conception technique cervical cap insemination.The kit includes a condom like sheath with a Human Sperm Bio-Assay tested cervical cap, to collect the sperm during intercourse and a unique applicator for placement of the cap at the cervix, all cleared by the FDA.
Cervical cap insemination has documented success rates between 10 and 20%!
So why do couples choose Stork OTC? Because couples can use the product at home. Plus it goes beyond simple ovulation timing, there is no loss of intimacy, no trying clinic visits; no drugs, no hormones; no invasive procedures; no time lost from work for tests and procedures. The Stork OTC is a very cost effective treatment option for couples.

If you are a couple losing hope of having their own family, there is a route to take before invasive and costly procedures are an option. Stork can be purchased at CVS and it is located in the family planning section next to ovulation test kits! Make the trip to your local CVS today and take the first steps towards trying to conceive with this helpful and affordable product!
Make sure to attend the upcoming Twitter party on September 28 at 8pm EST, participate with hashtag #whyStorkOTC.
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