Frugal Tips That Will Help You Save Money for a Home
Generally, people think that frugal living is limiting their lifestyle a lot. Although this is true in a small percentage, frugal living is all about limiting unnecessary expenses. And if you think you can’t save up a lot by doing so, try to remember that this woman in China successfully retired at 29 after seven years of limiting her expenses.
After all, frugal living can help you save generous amounts, see? And the good news is, this new lifestyle only needs some small adjustments, easy ones. But most of us don’t think about these. A quarter here and there will make a huge difference, in the long run, if you do it wisely. Luckily for you, the advice below will help you get started in this whole frugal living shebang.
Stop eating out
You don’t have to spend at least $20 on your dinner, daily. From now on, be smarter about the way you eat and stop eating out if you want to see it in your bank account. The best way to deal with last-minute eating out decisions is to meal prep. This will save you a lot of headache and money. Decide in the middle of the week what you want to eat the next week. Do your grocery shopping during the weekend. Because you know what you’ll be needing to buy. This will offer you a clear overview of the expenses you’ll have.
Financial experts also recommend buying groceries only once a week and buying everything you need at once. This will keep you from multiple shops to the store and save you from impulse buying things you don’t need.
If you go down the meal prep path, vacuum seal everything you won’t be eating immediately. This will help you keep everything fresh and ready to eat.
Grow your own produce
No, you don’t need an entire farm to grow your own produce. You can do it in your apartment balcony just as well. The produce you’ll grow yourself will not be as varied as it is in farms, but this is a great way to save some bucks monthly.
Impulse buying is a no-no
We all have temptations and we all find it hard to resist them. But, in the long run, this is totally worth it. Sacrificing passing pleasures over the greater good of your finances is a smart decision, after all. Impulse purchases are marketing-driven decisions. Whether you’re at the cash register and something catches your eye, whether you’re really tempted to by that amazing dress on discount, remember this is a strategy used by retail corporations to get a hold of your money.
Before spending your money, think carefully about it. After a while, you will most probably think about how bad of an investment a certain purchase was. Make sure you won’t regret it in the future.
Always compare prices
Whether we’re talking grocery prices or the best GIC rates, make sure to always compare prices. Ideally, you should never buy a product before you see how is it priced at multiple retailers. Luckily, comparison platforms are a common thing today. This makes the entire process easier and more approachable. If you prefer, take a stroll in local shops and see the prices live. It works just as well as web comparison platforms.
Self-care matters
Your health matters, whether we’re discussing mental or physical health. Generally, neglecting your health will only result in higher expenses. Compare your body to a car. The more you postpone maintenance interventions, the costlier will they be, in the end.
That being said, get yourself checked periodically and never ignore what your body is trying to tell. You know for sure if anything is wrong with you, so stop ignoring these signs.
Less is, sometimes, more
In the frugal living handbook, everybody is going to tell you to use less. Less of what?! Well, generally, of everything. Only think of mundane things you use. You most likely load your toothbrush with toothpaste, you pump that soap pump a million times until you’re happy with the amount you have, you fill your hand with shampoo whenever you take a bath, you do the same with shower gel.
And this nothing but a waste of money. Oh, you’re only trying to follow the recommendations? Hah, those are there only to make you use more product. If you want proof, think of how little product detergent pods actually have in them. And now think of the recommended amount on detergent packages. See the difference? No, the one in pods is not more concentrated.
Drink more water
In most cases, water is free. And besides, it’s the healthiest option you have. If you’re really tempted by all those bottled smoothies, think again. They have high-calorie counts, which make you gain weight, they cost a ton, and they are not the healthiest drink you could have.
Forget about sodas. Those are money-eating black holes, plus they’re damaging your health. When in doubt, and not only, have a sip of water. You’ll be healthier, and your bank account will be a happy one.
Ditch your personal car
Insurance car payments, gas bills and the always needed repairs make you spend money you could save, instead. Use public transit instead of your car. Even better. Sell your personal car and save the money you make on it. A bus or metro pass is by far the best option you have. It’s cheaper, safer, and hassle-free.
Get thrifty
Getting thrifty is not only fun but also popular. Thrift and consignment store are popping up at every street corner. It would be a shame not to profit of all those good deals. Getting thrifty helps the environment, too, if you’re environmentally-conscious.
Obviously, there are other smart frugal living tips you can use when trying to save up money for a home, or early retirement, like the young lady in China. But this is a good start if you want to save up for a house down payment.