Fitness Confidential
This is a sponsored post written by me, all opinions expressed are 100% my own.

“America’s Angriest Trainer, Vinnie Tortorich, exposes the nasty underbelly of the fitness industry while getting you into the best shape of your life. For over 20 years, Vinnie has been Hollywood’s go-to guy for celebrities and athletes looking to get fit fast. Now, in this hilarious and often r-rated memoir, he holds nothing back. What’s the best piece of fitness equipment money can buy? What’s the fastest way to lose weight: diet or exercise? Why are health clubs worse than used car lots? In FITNESS CONFIDENTIAL, Vinnie tells all. So get ready to get fit, get inspired and get the dirt with Hollywood’s most outrageous personal trainer!”
Most of us can relate in the fact that at one time or another, we have struggled with getting into shape, staying in shape, or simply finding a wellness routine that works for them. Expert fitness trainer Vinnie Tortorich is on a mission to help you live a more healthy and fit lifestyle. This book doesn’t ask you to give up all of your favorite foods or spend hours on end working out at the gym. There is no overly strict diet or extremely exhausting workout routine that leaves you dreading the whole idea of fitness. Instead it gives you a few simple rules to follow; stay away from sugar and grains and get in some exercise. I just love how Vinnie is not ashamed to share his journey and how he can relate so much to my own obstacles. This book is easy to follow and a great read for anyone that has struggled with some sort of weight loss failure in their lives. Are you looking for the drive and inspiration to get yourself into a healthy lifestyle. This book is a must read and is full of great resources to lead you in the right direction!
Have you heard of the Amazon’s Kindle Matchbook offer? Anyone who has purchased the book through Amazon can get the Kindle version for only $2.99.