Baby Products, Reviews, Subscription Box Reviews

Bump Boxes: Protecting Mommies & Their Bumps

A special thanks to Bump Boxes for providing the Miss Frugal Mommy blog with a product for free in exchange for an honest review!

Bump Boxes: Protecting Mommies & Their Bumps

 About Bump Boxes

“Our Mission is to provide the safest possible products in the marketplace that actually work. We believe it should be simple when searching for safe and non-toxic products to use & we confirm, to the best of our knowledge, based on information from suppliers and manufacturing partners, that our products are completely safe to use. We’ve even made it easier for you by allowing you to see the certifications of individual products.”

Bump Boxes: Protecting Mommies & Their Bumps

Even as I was preparing to welcome my third baby into this world, I still found myself overwhelmed with the amount of  green products available on the market. I knew that I wanted to offer my newborn baby girl only the safest and most natural products, but there was just so much out there to choose from. The amount of research that went into making sure the products were indeed safe was so time consuming, but the last thing I wanted was to pay for some products that were falsely advertising their products as green (which seems to be happening more and more.) I so wish I had known about great subscription box companies like Bump Boxes, that really would have come in hand for me a few months ago! They have already done all the research and hard work, weaning out the products that are full of unsafe chemicals. With a new baby at home and two other children to attend to, I really don’t have the time to worry that I am using harmful products on my baby. When ordering a subscription from Bump Boxes, I know that the products I receive will be 100% safe for my precious new baby.

Bump Boxes: Protecting Mommies & Their Bumps

Bump Boxes has an excellent selection of boxes to choose from. Since I am trying to care and clean up after three kids, I thought it best to go with the “be green” box. This box is packed full of household products from babyganics that are safe to use around my family. All of these products have such a subtle scent, not overpowering at all! I have been using the foaming hand soap and dish soap every single day and am just in love with them, it is so reassuring to know that when I clean items like my baby’s pacifiers, they are completely safe for her to use after. I also cleaned the bath with the tub cleaner the other day and was able to give my daughter a bath without the worry that if any of it got left behind, it wouldn’t be harmful for her when she takes a bath.

Bump Boxes: Protecting Mommies & Their Bumps

What I was really excited to discover about Bump Boxes is that you can actually create your own box by adding stuff to it from their online store. Now that my three month old baby is teething, I thought it would be perfect to add Vulli Sophie The Giraffe Teether to my box. This was such a great subscription box and I was so pleased with everything I received, there was not a single item that I did not like!

Bump Boxes: Protecting Mommies & Their Bumps

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16 thoughts on “Bump Boxes: Protecting Mommies & Their Bumps

  1. You can build your own box. It comes with everything you could possibly need!! From shampoo to support baby water bottles…

  2. I love that you can select your products for the box! A lot of companies send whatever and sometimes it is stuff you don’t need or want!

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