5 Easy Ways to Protect Your Family and Deter Intruders
One of our most basic instincts as mothers is to protect our families. With over 1 million burglaries per year reported in the USA, it makes sense to consider the precautions we can take. Keeping in mind that some areas of the country are than others, here are 5 practical ideas for upgrading your home’s security.
One of our most basic instincts as mothers is to protect our families. With over 1 million burglaries per year reported in the USA, it makes sense to consider the precautions we can take. Keeping in mind that some areas of the country are safer than others, here are 5 practical ideas for upgrading your home’s security.
Secure your doors
According to shocking statistics, 67% of intruders gain entry via an insecure or unlocked door. Start by asking whether you had your locks changed when you first moved in. If not- you don’t know who else has the keys right now. Next, do you have deadbolts with a strike plate on all your external doors? These two features would slow intruders down considerably.
Install a security system
If you have the budget, consider investing in a smart home automation system to increase your home’s security. The additional features will not only give you greater peace of mind, but it will also reduce the unsettling false alarms which traditional systems are prone to.
Make the most of your security system by placing easily visible signs around the property. A doorbell video camera and interior cameras will demonstrate that you’re a homeowner who takes measures to keep your home secure and may deters burglars who, in general, prefer an easy target.
Make it harder to hide
You may love your trees and bushes, but when they’re close to your home they could provide useful hiding spots for those with malicious intent. Keep plants near your home small and well-pruned. Tree branches near upstairs windows should be removed or at least make sure you have extra security measures to remove a potential access point for intruders.
Also, always keep sheds and garages securely locked. Don’t tempt passers-by by leaving expensive gardening or sports equipment in plain sight. For obvious reasons keep ladders somewhere safe so they can’t be used to enter the property.
Use clever lighting
Criminals like to do things the easy way. They choose to work when homeowners are out during the day, or under cover of darkness. Although it’s not the whole solution, plenty of exterior lighting can help to deter burglars at night-time. Not only will you make them nervous about being seen or caught on camera, but you’ll also make it safer for you and your family to move around at night.
If you’re away from home for any length of time, use timers and smart devices to switch interior lights on and off, apparently at random. This way anyone watching your property with a view to entering won’t know if it’s occupied or not.
Canine deterrent
Man’s (and woman’s) best friend is the burglar’s worst enemy! A barking dog is a proven deterrent for intruders. It doesn’t have to be big or savage, just the fact that it’s signaling an alarm is enough to ruin an intrusion plan. Of course, getting a dog is a big decision – but be ready to make it part of your family and it will do its job of keeping you safe and protecting its beloved family!