Frugal Living

3 Simple Ways For Moms To Make Money While Their Kid Is Having A Nap

We were talking to a bunch of amazing, full-time, busy-busy moms the other day and the one thing that struck us, almost in an empathetic way, was how they all seemed to be battling some form of guilt. It was about money. They were all acutely aware of how important and time-demanding it is to be a mom, but they still couldn’t shake the fact that, despite all their hard work and effort, they weren’t shouldering any of the financial strains of life. It turns out this is a common feeling among a lot of moms in today’s two salary society.

The thing is, mom’s don’t get any time for themselves, never mind to make money, except maybe when their child is napping. That is when we decided to do some research and come up with a list of money-making opportunities moms can do while their little ones are snoring, and here they are:


Just having an opinion is enough to make some money these days (thank you, internet) and one of the most effective ways of doing this is by taking surveys. We’re serious. Businesses thrive from collecting data and that is exactly what surveys do, they allow them to understand the average consumer that bit more, and in return, you get paid for it. But, as you’ll see from this Swagbucks review, Swagbucks being the market leader in the paid survey game, you can take a survey when suits you. Just log in when your child is asleep and choose a survey based on your preferences, whether time or money. Simple.

Virtual assistant

This route is becoming more and more popular and that is because more and more people are looking for ways to cut their overheads. That is where hiring a virtual assistant comes in. People need assistants to help them, but they may not have the funds to hire someone full-time. It could be things like booking flights and hotels for a business trip, reading emails and replying accordingly or even staying on top of the social media posts. Each person requires different things, which is good because different can be fun and who doesn’t want to have fun when making money. The big benefit is this, employers don’t so much demand when you work, just that you do an hour a day. So that afternoon nap your baby takes could see you earn $25. Over the course of a month, that is a few bills covered.


We stumbled across this website completely by accident during our frantic search to help mom’s wanting to make a little bit extra, but it seems perfect. It is called UserTesting and you get paid $10 to do a 20-minute review of a website or app. Let’s say your kid takes a lunchtime nap that is never less than an hour. That is a potential $30 and all you need is a laptop with a microphone and, voila, you are ready to review. It’s amazing. It’s perfect. It is just a matter of doing what the task asks, saying what you are experiencing out load and then sending that recording back to them to be reviewed. Money may not grow on trees, but this isn’t too far off.

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