Women Need These Nutrients More Than Men
The right diet is important to help you stay healthy. What you might not know is that there are certain nutrients that women need more than men do. Women can be prone to certain deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, and they can also be more likely to develop some health conditions that can be combatted and treated with the right nutrients. If you know which nutrients it’s extra important for women to have, you can make sure you get a balanced diet and perhaps take supplements to help you out too. Pay attention to the following nutrients to make sure you’re getting enough.
Iron keeps your blood cells healthy, and it’s important for everyone. For menstruating women, however, it becomes a little more important. Since you lose a little bit of iron when you’re on your period, you need to make sure you’re getting enough of it. About 10% of women in the US don’t get enough iron and around half of those have anemia, which can cause fatigue and lower immunity. You can get iron in your diet through meat and fish, beans and lentils and leafy greens, such as spinach. You can also eat foods fortified with iron or take supplements.
Women need more calcium than men to help keep their bones and teeth strong. Women are more likely to develop osteoporosis in their old age than men are. The condition is a loss of bone density, which makes bones more brittle. Calcium helps to prevent it and keeps you healthy. Women need about 1,000mg a day, which you can get through dairy products, some vegetables, like broccoli and kale, and some foods supplemented with calcium. AlgaeCal studies also show that taking a calcium supplement can help to increase bone strength. Your doctor can let you know if it might be helpful for you.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is also important for women, partly because it helps to regulate calcium in the body, as well as phosphate. You can get vitamin D from the sun, which is why a supplement is sometimes healthy if you live somewhere that gets less sunshine or spend a lot of time indoors. You can also get vitamin D from your diet by including things like oily fish, red meat, egg yolks and foods fortified with vitamin D. Dietary supplements are available too, but most women probably don’t need to take them. They are recommended for breastfed babies and young children, though.
Nutrients for Pregnant Women
Pregnant women often need to increase their intake of some nutrients or just keep a closer eye on how much they’re getting. For example, folic acid is important to help prevent birth defects. Most women get enough in their food, but sometimes a supplement is recommended. Vitamin B12 is also important for development and women who are vegetarian or vegan especially might not get as much as they need.
It’s important to know which nutrients you should be getting to stay healthy. Women have different needs, and should be familiar with them.