The Romance of Grace {Book Giveaway}
The Romance of Grace
Are you searching for a great new book to get into? Here is your chance to win a wonderful new book!
Join me in learning more about an amazing new book in the Christian market by a very talented new author named Jim McNeely. You can check out his book on Amazon and consider it for your reading collection. It is available in e-reader and Kindle formats for digital form as well.
Author: Jim McNeely
Book title: The Romance of Grace.
Book Description: What if God sees us the way a man sees a woman he is infatuated with, and His main question is not how to make us moral but rather how to get us to fall in love with Him?
In The Romance of Grace, Jim McNeely explores Bible passages that tell us what God really wants for us and what His love means. This is the love of a God who chose to give His life for ours, even carefully retaining His scars into the throne room of heaven and telling us in His very body, “I have gone to great lengths and great costs to say that I forsook all comforts for the love of you.”
Join Jim in his exploration of life in God’s unconditional, redeeming, amazing grace.
Author Bio: Jim McNeely is a teaching pastor and elder at Dakota Creek Christian Center in Blaine, Washington, where he lives with his wife, Betty, and their four sons. Formerly president of New Century Data, with clients such as Lockheed Martin and American Airlines, he now works as a programmer and database administrator in the health care industry.
Top Endorsements:
So often we turn our faith in Christ into a forcing mechanism, which doesn’t work in any event; and if anything, produces disillusionment or hypocrisy. The Romance of Grace is a prophetic book. I believe that unless we heed its call, to put grace absolutely without condition and frontally as the be-all and end-all of the Good News, we will lose completely, and not just in “the eyes of the world” but in the failure of well-intentioned religious lives that tried to love and never knew how.
—Paul F. M. Zahl, author of Grace in Practice: A Theology of Everyday Life
It is time, as Robert Farrar Capon put it, to get drunk on grace. Two hundred-proof, defiant grace. That’s what you get here in Jim’s book. You won’t see a list of qualifications, and you’ll get no “footnotes.” What you’ll encounter is grace unmeasured, vast and free. It will frighten you and free you at the same time.
—Tullian Tchividjian, Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church and author of Jesus + Nothing = Everything
In The Romance of Grace we are confronted with a truth that we may have previously rejected. It seemed too easy to embrace. It lacked obligation on our part and contradicted accusations we have given credence to for the majority of our lives on earth. Yet herein lies the truth—“Not that we loved God, but that God loved us.” This book will help to right the plumb line in your life.
—David Collins, author of Out of the Box, founder of Canadian Food for the Hungry International
Check out Jim McNeely’s book for yourself on Amazon. It’s fantastic!!
Follow author Jim McNeely and his book, The Romance of Grace on Facebook or Twitter.
Join us now for your chance to win a free copy of The Romance of Grace in this great giveaway brought to you by Jim McNeely, and Love2EncourageYou.
Giveaway Time!
Prize: One winner will receive an autographed copy of Jim McNeely’s book: The Romance of Grace
Location: Must be a resident of the lower 48 states in the USA
Age: Must be 18 years or older to enter
Date: Giveaway runs til April 12th at 12:01am.
Please enter the giveaway using the Rafflecopter form below. Once you’ve done the mandatory entry, you’ll unlock the additional optional entries you can enter also to increase your chances of winning. Good luck to everyone!
*Special Thanks to the following blogs for their support of this giveaway:
- CouponBlessingsNow
- Lost Island of Book Reviews
- mom are we there yet
- Donna’s Deals and More
- Debbie Jean`s
- Our Wolves Den
- Rjays Freebies
- Southern Belle
- Mommies POV
- Jenn’s Review Blog
- Because Mommy Says So
Thanks for entering and good luck Miss Frugal Mommy fans!!!
Disclosure: I did not receive compensation for this post except for a link on the giveaway form. Miss Frugal Mommy and Love2EncourageYou are not responsible for sponsor prize shipment.