The Challenges of Being a Family Man: 6 Tactics to Keep Your Kids Occupied When You’re Busy
Many men bring their work home with them. They may not want to, but as a company man, they have to do this. And not all businesses can afford to send a computer to each worker’s home. Many businessmen turn to laptops on rent for what they need to get their work done at home. They may also need mobiles on rent to save money over purchasing such an expensive item. Once a man brings his work home, the question then becomes, how to keep the kids occupied while he gets his work done. With a little preparation, you can get your kids in the habit of sitting quietly while you work. Below are 6 tactics to keep your kids busy so you can get your work done.
Put together a crafting kit for them to pull out when you are needing to get work done. Depending on the age of your child, put things like sewing materials and coloring books in the box. For younger children, use heavy cardboard and shoelaces for the sewing cards instead of the traditional needle and thread. A heavy string and different beads will keep little hands busy for a long time. Add photos or magazine pictures of beaded necklaces and bracelets they can try to reproduce.
Children love books and reading. Even young children, if they are read to often, will want to copy you and “read” to themselves. A basket full of different size books will keep them busy for a while. Tell them to look for a certain list of items, like a seek-and-find, and then show you were these items are when you get back together. You may want to give them small sticky notes to mark the places of the items needed collecting.
Building Blocks
Girls and boys alike enjoy building things. A large box of age-appropriate blocks will let your child’s imagination take off in many different ways. Having a list of what you would like them to build will give them a direction, or ask them to build something from a mythical land they make up.
Computer Time
If you have put your children on an “electronic budget,” allow them to have some extra computer or game time while you do your work. There is an endless supply of educational computer games you can download for your child. Try to tie what they are learning in school to what there is on the computer. Even the youngest children can learn their ABC’s and 123’s.
Messy Time
All kids, no matter the age, enjoy getting messy. Invest in a water table or allow them to sit in the bathtub wearing their bathing suits for a messy play time. Slime is popular and making their own is a lot of fun. There are many different recipes online for creating non-toxic slime. Shaving cream is another creative outlet for kids of different ages. Using food coloring or cake decorating sprays, they can build castles of form for hours.
Movie Time
Don’t be afraid to turn on their favorite movie for two hours of quiet time. As long as this is not an everyday activity, a little movie imagination is good for children. With all activities your children will be doing out of your site, make sure they are safe at all times. Check on them once in a while, after all, you will need a break from your work as well.