The Baby Bullet Giveaway
Welcome to The Baby Bullet Giveaway
Sponsor: NutriLiving
Hosted by: Central Bargains & Giveaways
Each Box contains:
6-date dial storage cups,
1 short cup,
1 stay fresh resealable lid and tip proof tray,
user manual and recipe book, pocket nutritionist
Make and store baby food in batches with batch tools and the handy, dated storage system
Baby Bullet is a trademark of Homeland Housewares, LLC
Giveaway: One Lucky Winner will received a Baby Bullet in our giveaway which starts on February 19, 12h01am EDT and Ends on March 6 at 11h59pm – All entries will be checked. The winner will have 48 hours to reply to the email or another winner will be drawn at random. CANADA and Continental of USA can enter and must be 18 yrs old +
Disclaimer: Central Bargains and Giveaways was provided with The Baby Bullet for Review purposes and all participant bloggers are not responsible for shipment of said prize.
The entry form is NOT letting me put in my YouTube name, which is Debbie E. I clicked for the point but it’s blank since it won’t let me enter. Frustrating.
I had the same issue as Deb E. Thanks.