
Staying Intimate After Menopause

We all know women experience emotional and physical changes during menopause and that it can take place between the age of 42 and 58. Some of those changes can have a more impactful effect than others. One side effect of menopause that gets talked about less than things like hot flashes and weight gain is sexual health. There are options out there when it comes to menopause treatment.

That last one is a main reason couples avoid sex altogether. But it doesn’t have to be that way!

Hormones, Sex and Menopause

The effects on intimacy that take place are normally due to the changes in hormones in a menopausal woman’s body. This has a direct impact on mood, behavior and of course sexual function.

Some of the physical symptoms include vaginal dryness, loss of vaginal elasticity (dilators may help), hot flashes, muscle and joint pains and breast tenderness. Emotional symptoms may include depression, mood swings, poor concentration and focus, insomnia and loss of confidence due to the fact that all of it can put a strain on an intimate relationship.  

However, one can stay intimate after menopause as well. For example, you can use products like pheromones to help you to get in the mood when being intimate. Here are some other ways in which intimacy can be achieved:

  1. Use a Good Lubricant

Using a good lubricant is one of the effective ways. Vaginal dryness is one of the realities on sex after menopause. This is the case with most women. Even if you have never used a lubricant earlier, this may work as an ideal remedy in such situations. There are many water-based lubricants available in the market which can make the sex more comfortable and in fact enhance it to a great extent. It provides women with a smooth feeling.

  1. Review Medications

There are a number of drugs known to eliminate or lessen sexual interest. It is important to keep their intake in review. Ask the doctor to review of the medications. Make sure you discontinue all of them that are not essential.

  1. Urinary Incontinence

There are many type of incontinence. However, involuntary loss of urine is something that can happen at any age. Moreover, activities like sex can result into such conditions. Possibility of this happening during sex can avoid the partner to have sex in the first place. Fortunately, this issue can be tackled as well. This can be done by pelvic floor muscle exercises. Doing this exercise several times a day can work as a remedial solution to this problem.

  1. Self-help Strategies

Many women rely on such strategies to remain active and intimate. Many sex therapists have recommended the fact that the ultimate objective should be pleasure rather than having intercourse itself. Actions such as cuddling, genital stroking or sharing fantasies can also equate to sexual pleasure. If there a genital response to such activities, then it will still be an act of pleasure.

The Bottom Line

There has been many studies conducted. Most of them have come to the conclusion that sex life does not change dramatically. The results are gradual and it will take a lot of time. This is where individuals need to be patient. Nevertheless, dealing with sex concerns can be daunting for most of us. However, there are many solutions available. Given the progression in the medical industry, we have a number of remedies accessible. Some of them are listed above as well. Sexual expression is one of the qualities of any individual so make sure you explore the solutions as much as you can.

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