Reviews, Toy Reviews

SmartLab Toys: Squishy Human Body Review

A special thanks to SmartLab for providing me with a free product to review on my blog!

SmartLab Toys - where toys and books collide

Squishy Human Body

Product Description

“With this hands-on kit and tour guide, kids enter the twisted world of the human body! Complete with removable squishy organs as well as representative skeletal, vascular, and muscular systems, kids explore the complex inner workings of the human body and literally see how it all works!”


  • A book that takes you on the journey of your life
  • 12” plastic human body model and stand
  • 12 plastic bones and muscles
  • 9 removable squishy vital organs
  • Body parts Organ-izer
  • Tweezers
  • Forceps

My Review

I recently had the pleasure of reviewing the Squishy Human Body and I must say, this is by far one the neatest “toys” I have ever seen! My inner geek was anxious for this product to arrive at my door and I was more excited than both my children once it did! My daughter and I immediately brought it to the dining room table and ended up playing with it for hours. The book that is included offers an impressive amount of ways to encourage and guide your child as they separate the organs. Learning about the human body has never been so much fun and each little organ fits  perfectly with their adjacent pieces. Every organ that comes in this toy is featured in the book, allowing your child to discover everything there is to know about it. In addition to the organs, you can also take apart the skull and remove the brain with your forceps. The bones and muscles also help to show your child how those important body parts support your structure. As soon as my daughter completed the organ-izer, I assumed it would take us quite some time to get our squishy human body back in order. However, there is a page in the book that guides you through the steps of putting the human body back together properly. The organs are also made of a squishy material, which makes it incredibly easy to stick all the organs together. I can not emphasize enough how amazing this toy is and how much I look forward to the many ways we will use it in the future. Adding fun to learning is always a great way to intrigue children and SmartLab did it perfectly with this toy!

Visit SmartLab today and consider adding the Squishy Human Body to your collection of toys, I guarantee your family will love it!

You can also find SmartLab on Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest!

  Visit SmartLab’s Free Zone where there are tons of free downloadable activities for kids (great for summer break!) Here’s a special deal just for Miss Frugal Mommy’s readers:

Save 25% at SmartLab Toys by entering BLOGDEAL0713 at checkout!

(code expires August 31, 2013)


40 thoughts on “SmartLab Toys: Squishy Human Body Review

  1. Pingback: SmartLab Toys
  2. This is a very interesting and educational toy. So much to learn and see and do with it. This will help them alot in school too
    thanks so much for the review

  3. I love that all the pieces come out for them to explore! We are starting our first year of homeschooling and learning about the body will be one thing we cover. Such a great product to use for exploring the insides!!! Thanks for the review!!

  4. The expressions on your daughter’s face say it all! She looks totally enthralled and then the look of happiness and joy which goes to show learning can and should be fun!

  5. What a fun way to learn about the body for my grandchildren. I know they would have a great time with this and so would I.

  6. I really like how it is squishy. It makes it more realistic. My son would love this. He played with the skeleton at the science center forever.

  7. I love the whole science aspect of this review while teaching children about science in a fun way. See thru, squishy, body parts are all words that attract children and keep their interest.

  8. This is so educational and would make a great show and tell item! I would love to get this for my kids.

  9. I Love the idea of having the body parts to remove it is so much easier to learn than from a picture. By doing the children will remember better.

  10. I love educational “toys” and make learning fun. What’s great about this is even me and my wife can learn along with out daughter lol

  11. My son is super into learning about the parts of the body right now. I love that this is educational as well as fun. I think this might be going on his Christmas list. 🙂

  12. This a great way to learn about anatomy and make it interesting and fun at the same time. I wish they had educational toys like this when I was a kid.

  13. I no that if I was still a kid I would play with not really no what my nephews will like? but I think it’s cool

  14. My son is absolutely fascinated by the human body. His favorite book was a medical book on the human body for years, the thing is tattered beyond recognition. This is definitely going on the Christmas list for this year.

  15. These products look amazing for kids! When I was a child I would have loved to look at and play with something like this! Great review, thanks for sharing about this amazing item!

  16. I’m sure my boys would LOVE this! I love all toys that can get learning conversations going and still keep their interest- and I know that the “gross” factor here would have the attention of my little boys for hours lol. Not going to lie- I kind of want to play with it too! Haha

  17. This is really neat! I love it because it gives the fun concept of it being a toy while being an effective learning tool!

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