Frugal Living

Money-Saving Measures For Businesses On A Budget

Setting up and running a business involve hard work, dedication and a healthy dose of courage. It’s no secret that the majority of new businesses fail, and usually, this is the result of financial issues. Every business owner aims to generate as much profit as possible, but it’s not easy to balance the books. If you’re looking for ways to save money and maximize profits, hopefully, this guide will come in handy.

Saving on staffing costs

For many employers, the wage bill is the most significant outgoing. Most business owners need a team of people to provide customers with products or services, but often, employers waste money on staff costs. If you’re overstaffed, or you run a seasonal company, and you’re employing people on long-term contracts, now is the time to reassess your staffing structure. If you’re only busy during the Christmas holidays or the summer months, for example, there’s no point in paying employees to twiddle their thumbs during the remainder of the year. Instead of hiring full-time staff, offer temporary contracts or work with employees on a freelance basis. It’s also a good idea to take a look at your rotas and make sure that staff numbers correspond to demand. If you’ve got too many people and not enough work to go around, consider reducing hours. To do this, you’ll need to consult with contracted employees and check that they are willing to fit in with your plans. Just make sure that you use a  consulting agreement template so that you can ensure that you are protecting your business.


Outsourcing can be a very effective means of cutting costs for small and medium-sized businesses. Outsourcing involves working with other companies or hiring freelancers, rather than employing people. You can outsource almost any task imaginable, and different businesses have different outsourcing requirements. The theory is that you can access services or skills you need or desire without increasing your wage bill. You can work with an agency on a long-term basis or draw up contracts for a short-term project. If you have an office full of people, for example, you may consider outsourcing IT support, rather than creating an IT department. If this idea sounds appealing, see ATB Technologies for more. Outsourcing is most effective when it gives you access to skills you need that you don’t currently have on your team and when it eliminates time-consuming jobs that detract from the core elements of the business.

Running promotions

Promotions are one of the best ways to draw in customers and boost sales. Running sales and offering discounts may mean that the profit margin is smaller per unit, but the volume of sales is likely to increase dramatically. If you can increase your income at the same time as cutting costs, this will make for much healthier balance sheets.

Are you looking to trim down the costs of managing your business or are you hoping to increase sales? Every business owner has to be mindful of money, and it can be very difficult to balance the books and stay above water. If you’re keen to cut costs and drive sales, hopefully, this guide will prove useful.


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