Making Your Own Juice The Fun And Convenient Way
Juices offer so many health benefits – it aids digestion, strengthens your immune system, and prevents you from falling prey to various illnesses. Also, it helps flush toxins out of your body which can help you lose weight and make your skin flawless and beautiful. These are some of the reasons why people drink juice at least once a day and some people also go for regular juice fasting. You too, perhaps love drinking juices, but do not have a juicer. Can you still enjoy drinking your favorite juice? Of course, you can, and you just need a blender and a few other things.
Things You Need
You will require a blender, such as a Vitamix 7500, a fine mesh strainer, a spatula, a bowl, and a glass.
What to Do Next?
The next thing you have to do is to decide what kind of juice you want to make. You can opt for any juice recipe that a blender can help make – a citrus and beet combination would be a perfect idea to start with. Even if some of the ingredients get stuck you need not worry, as there is a quick little tip we shall offer.
Getting Ready
Whatever ingredients you have chosen, simply cut them into big chunks. As far as citrus fruits are concerned, you just need to remove the peel and the pith, but there is no need to waste time in extracting the seeds. If you are using ginger, carrots, and beets, simply give them a nice scrub, you do not have to peel them, just remove the hairy bottoms, and cut off the tops.
The Process
- Place the chopped ingredients in your blender and in the right order. The juicier items like cucumbers, tomatoes, and citrus need to be dropped in first, followed by the greens, and other ingredients.
- Now, start blending. It is perfectly all right to stop your blender, open the lid to give things a stir, and blend again. Other times you may have to add a little water or some other juicy produce to get the right results.
- Once you have blended enough, pour the mixture into the strainer (which you have placed over a bowl). Keep pressing using your spatula so that the juice can be extracted properly. You can also let it stand for a few minutes now to get proper results. Now, pour the mixture into your glass and enjoy drinking.
If you are now wondering whether the juice businesses also use a blender, well, they do not, and nor do they use a juicer. The best juice-making businesses use the best cold-press system, and if you view website and go through the features and benefits of a cold-press system you will understand why they need this machine and why a juicer or blender will not be of much help. Naturally, they need to produce juice in a huge quantity and thus need a machine, but since you will be juicing just for yourself and your family a blender will be perfect for you.
The Extra Tip – Cleaning Your Strainer Easily
Before the pulpy pieces get stuck in your strainer and become difficult to get rid of, you need to clean it. With the help of a spoon scrape out all the pulp, and if you wish, discard them, or use them in your vegetable patties or your stock. Now, keep the strainer under a running tap in the opposite direction that you have poured your juice in. This will help remove any leftover bits, and the strainer should be clean by now.
Now you know that you really do not have to depend on a juicer to enjoy a fresh glass of juice as your blender can help you enjoy amazing results, that too without putting in much effort. So, start your search for the best blender juice recipes and try out as many as you like.
Wow it’s really amazing to see these reviews. It is difficult to choose the best machine. Everyone has different tastes, but you made it easy. Thank you so much for that.