Janet’s Planet: Exploring Microgravity DVD Review
Product Description
“Emmy award-winning PBS television show host Janet Ivey, working in conjunction with Space Florida throughout 2008-2009, created a 35 minute DVD based upon Ms. Ivey’s zero gravity flight through Space Florida’s partnership with Zero- Gravity Corporation. The purpose of the DVD is to provide information to elementary and middle school aged children regarding the definition, phenomena, and effects of microgravity.”
From Janet Ivey
“For the past decade, science education has been my passion and America’s children have been my inspiration. It is incredible to see how excited children can become about the world around them when the information is presented in an accessible and fun way. That is the mission of Janet’s Planet, and I look forward to continuing to support better science education in the years to come.”
My Review
This informative and energetic DVD brings to light the history and facts regarding an often intricate and confusing topic for children: microgravity. Janet immediately draws you into the movie with her enthusiasm, excitement and sense of humor. She is one of those people with a personality that just makes learning fun and enjoyable to listen to. The movie features dozens of interviews from real life children, struggling to explain what gravity is. I was impressed with the fact that the movie chose to include what a difficult subject this is for children to understand. I was satisfied with the simple ways they went about teaching the history and ideas behind gravity. They did a wonderful job of bringing it down to a child’s level of understanding, while using excellent visuals. The overall energy of the movie and simplicity was great and I would highly recommended it to anyone wanting to introduce microgravity to their young one(s). My six year old was able to follow along through the entire half hour and respond to me with what she had learned. Although my two year old had no idea what they were talking about in the movie, he was intrigued to watch it because of all the fun and creative visuals.
Visit the Janet Planet Website today to purchase this DVD for just $9.99
I learned that the site is very interactive with games, videos, and pictures. It is pretty cool and I know my son will enjoy it.
My son also enjoy all the interactive games