How to Sort Out Your Baby Announcements Effectively
When you’re a new mom, it’s typically very overwhelming learning how to do all the tasks associated with caring for a newborn. Added to this, you’re trying to do it on a tiny amount of sleep, too! As such, it’s normal for baby announcement cards to get pushed further and further down your to-do list.
However, when so many people send congratulatory wishes and gifts and are excited for news about the new arrival, it’s nice to send out baby announcements sooner rather than later. If you follow a few tips, you should find that you can get this job off your mind and cards out the door without too much stress. While you are in the planning process, it is also a good idea to plan ahead for your baby’s arrival and book in a newborn photographer like Kristy’s Studio. This time can go past so quick, so it is important to secure a trusted photographer to capture it all.
Put a Budget in Place for the Project
With a new baby in your household to think about, you’re probably not super flush with cash. Therefore, it’s wise to put a budget in place for your baby announcement project so you don’t spend too much. A budget will also help you to make decisions as you proceed, as you’ll know what you can and can’t afford to outlay.
Don’t feel like you have to compete with others when it comes to your allocated amount. These days there are options galore to choose from in baby announcements, from one-off designer creations and stylish custom stationery to pre-packaged card sets and DIY products.
Assemble Your List of Recipients
The next step is to work out how many people you want to send the baby announcements to. Use your budget to help you determine how much you can afford to spend on buying, printing, and posting your designs, and thereby how many people can make your assembled list of recipients. Do keep in mind, though, that if you have a small budget, you can choose to email out digital baby announcements, too. This cuts costs considerably and allows for a larger recipient list.
When compiling names, think about not just your close family and friends whom you speak to all the time, but also other people who may have sent you a baby gift or attended your baby shower, such as work colleagues and managers, friends of your parents, and family members you only see occasionally.
Consider the Timing Etiquette of Announcements
While it’s good etiquette to send out new baby announcements as soon as possible after bub is born, don’t feel bad if it takes you a little time to get to this. People know that life as a new parent is hectic and stressful, and leads to a real lack of sleep, so they understand that you’ll probably struggle to find the time and energy to sort out baby announcements, especially in the first month.
Most etiquette “rules” suggest that parents have a grace period of around six months to advise those in their circles of a baby’s birth. If, however, you want to make life easier for yourself and ensure that cards get sent out quickly, it’s wise to do some preparation work while you’re pregnant.
You’ll have to wait until your baby is born to get a picture of him or her, as well as the little one’s weight, length, and so on, but you can still choose your preferred stationery, create a template for the text and
pictures, and create your recipient list in advance of the birth. You can also stock up on stamps before your newborn arrives, so a trip to the post office is one less job to worry about when you’re looking after a baby!
Decide Which Details You Want to Share
Something else to think about before your child’s arrival is which details you might want to share on the birth announcement. Everyone has a different level of openness and comfort with this, so choose to include whatever feels right to you. However, here’s what most people usually note on their cards:
– The baby’s name
– Date and time of birth
– Baby’s birth statistics, such as weight and length
– The city and/or hospital where the baby was born
– Details of the newborn’s siblings or other close family members (even pets) who are welcoming the baby
It’s nice to also add a personal message to people whom you’re particularly close to, if you have the time for that.
Having a new baby is exciting, challenging, stressful, and love-inducing. With this mix of emotions flowing around and a lack of sleep to contend with, it’s wise to do yourself a favor and plan out a birth announcement step by step.
The above tips should help you to get the birth announcement task ticked off your to-do list ASAP, so then you can spend more time bonding with your little one.