How To Know If You’re Being Mistreated At Work
It’s unfortunate that while there are sometimes very clear flags of mistreatment or abuse, perhaps even by implication, those who perpetuate it are sometimes quite clever about how to implement it. This can sometimes leave you questioning yourself or noticing but feeling as if you can’t speak up.
This can also happen at work. In some ways, this is even more pernicious because if a manager has your career and professional reputation in their hands, you’ll be less likely to speak up and talk about issues, or you may feel disinclined to kick up a fuss.
On top of this, a negative or toxic work culture that you slowly begin to notice can become comfortable to the other workers within it, and so they may not be inclined to support you. Thankfully, many companies are taking a long hard look at their corporate culture now, thanks to workers speaking up and coming together.
But how can you tell if you’re being mistreated at work, and not just causing a problem despite being treated relatively well? Let’s consider that below:
Unequal Treatment
There are several reasons as to why you may be treated differently to your peers in some respects. For instance, if you’re just starting a job, then you have to undergo onboarding and may need to slowly work up to the main workload of other peers. But should you be treated as lesser, or dismissed, or mocked, or derided because of undergoing this process?
If working overtime, should you be singled out for the harder tasks compared to everyone else? What if you’re made to put up with worse conditions – perhaps even using less robust safety equipment? If you feel that discrimination or simple unequal treatment is starting to become noticeable or affects many fields, then it may be worth seeking independent advice.
Dismissive HR Or Complaint Procedures
It’s terrible to be mistreated, but to have essential complaints mishandled or even dismissed simply because you had the temerity to raise them? That can be even worse. For instance, if you report workplace bullying and nothing seems to happen because of it, that can be tremendously debilitating. Keep everything in writing, and document your efforts. This can show your efforts to resolve the situation and the fact you have been summarily ignored.
Eschewed Rights
The most egregious form of mistreatment involves stepping on your rights. From causing you to work more hours than you’re booked in for (especially if not salaried), not providing adequately safe or hygienic restrooms, or potentially even fighting you on workers comp, which you can resolve with a workers compensation claim lawyers – document all of this, and make certain that you read through your contract as well as the workers rights in your state or country for the most comprehensive understanding of where you’ve been wrong and how to move forward.
With this advice, we hope you can better escalate recuperative measures after you’ve been mistreated at work. With this approach, you’ll be able to identify those starting red flags more easily.