How to Have the Perfect Weekend Getaway Wherever You Are
Everyone should have a weekend getaway. These getaways can be to far off places, or they could be in your hometown. Either way, you need to explore this beautiful and wonderful world we live in. Weekend getaways are perfect for everyone because whether you have the weekends off or can fit two days together off in your schedule, you have time for your getaway. Here are a few great suggestions to help make your weekend special:
Keep an Eye on Local Events
There are so many local events, from markets to exhibits, and some of them are so small that you won’t hear about them unless you actively search for them. When planning a weekend getaway, research what’s going on in that city ahead of time. You’ll hopefully be able to find an awesome event or exhibit (or even secret location like a garden or bar) that you would never have found if you hadn’t done your research.
Eat Somewhere You’ve Never Been to Before
Eating is one of the best pleasures in life. A getaway to any city is not complete without at least a few good meals at places you have never been to before. If you make it a point to revisit the same city time and time again, go back to your favorite haunts, too! If, however, you are making your own city into the getaway, leave these restaurants for regular date-nights and use these weekends to explore the unexplored.
Go to a Show
There is something great about going to a live show. It immediately feels more intimate, special, and memorable because, chances are, you’ll only see it once in your lifetime. Go to and see what’s on in your area, and grab those tickets ahead of time! You’ll save by buying the tickets in advance, and be able to see what else is playing!
Walk Around the City (or Neighborhood)
If you are in a new city, one of the best things that you can do is simply to walk around. No matter how much research you do, nothing will ever beat exploring on foot. You will see the real beauty of the city – what’s beyond the top ten to see lists – and you’ll discover places that you would otherwise have never known about. Researching before you go is a great way to find the hidden gems that others have discovered. Walking the city is how you’ll find hidden gems that you will have discovered.
Do Something New
Whether it is taking a class in something you’ve never done before or gone to a farmer’s market, do something new that interests you. Make these weekend getaways perfect by expanding your world and experiences.
Weekend getaways mean taking the time away from your regular life and making the discovery and adventure a highlight of your month. Whether you are visiting a new city, revisiting a favorite city, or even rediscovering your own city, you should treat each retreat as the potential adventure that it is.