5 Tools to Help Your Struggling Learner
When your child struggles to learn new things like reading and writing, it can be frustrating, confusing, and a little bit scary. There’s a lot of pressure on you to help them learn and succeed with their tasks, but you may not even know where to begin.
Of course, you don’t want your child to go to school and struggle to learn through each grade. Luckily, we’ve got five tools to help your struggling learner, giving them the best chance of success. Let’s check them out.
1. Be Direct
There is a teaching theory called ‘direct instruction,’ where you make what they need to learn as clear as possible. With this teaching theory, the information that you’re attempting to communicate to your child is done concisely and clearly, so there’s no room for miscommunication or frustration.
This means that your child knows exactly what’s going on, and doesn’t have to figure anything out for themselves, aside from what they’re meant to be learning. This paves the way for a smooth teaching process, decreasing the risk of your child getting stuck on something.
2. Make the Most of the Other Senses
Of course, we use our words to communicate, teach, and learn when we are interacting with our child. However, there are other senses that your child uses when they’re learning new things, and it’s easy to forget this.
Understanding the importance of multisensory learning is integral to being able to help your child learn the best way that they can. When your child uses all of their senses, they will be able to learn it faster. From hearing the instruction to seeing the concept written down and then using their hands to complete it, your child will benefit greatly from this.
3. Try a Reading Assist App
If your child is struggling to learn to read, they could benefit from a reading improvement app. A reading improvement app can not only prompt your child when they need it, but it can correct them as well.
This type of gentle encouragement can make all the difference for your child, especially if they find reading a frustrating process. This way, you can make reading fun, no matter what reading level your child is at.
4. Just One at a Time
One of the biggest reasons why your child might be struggling to learn could be that they have to juggle more than one new concept at the same time. The more your child has to learn at once, the harder it’s going to be for them to take it all in.
Teaching just one concept at a time is a great way to accommodate your child’s short-term memory and helps them absorb new skills more effectively. This is when quality over quantity is essential.
5. Separate Spelling and Reading
You may think that reading and spelling go hand in hand – and they do. However, when it comes to teaching them, it’s vital that they stay separated. This is because they require different learning techniques, so if you bunch them together, things can get confusing quickly.
Your child will process each new skill a lot quicker if they’re taught separately.
It’s not easy encouraging your child to learn new things – and even more challenging to help them enjoy it. With these practical tips, you will be well on your way to helping your child see learning in a different light.