
5 Common Symptoms of Menopause

Menopause tends to occur between the ages of 45 and 55, and although this is a perfectly natural phase in life for women, that doesn’t mean it’s easy to deal with. As these hormonal changes happen in your body, the effect can leave you physically and emotionally uncomfortable, with some women finding it quite difficult to cope with. If you are reaching an age where you could be entering the menopause phase, below are some common symptoms to watch out for and some tips on how to deal with them.

1.   Hot Flashes

When you hear about menopause, it’s likely that the term ‘hot flash’ comes up a lot. These sudden waves of heat can make you feel uncomfortable and dizzy, and they can come on quickly. This occurs as the hormone levels in your body are shifting, and this can interfere with your body temperature. A lot of women might experience sweating and struggle to cool down. A good way to try and make yourself more comfortable if you are experiencing this is to choose clothes made from lighter materials, avoid caffeine and alcohol, and carry a portable fan with you. If you have hot flashes at night, sleep with the windows open and/or invest in a fan in the room.

2.   Hair Thinning/Loss

Another symptom of menopause that can be distressing is hair thinning or loss. As your estrogen and progesterone levels deplete, this can result in your hair growth slowing and can make your hair more brittle. You can try some shampoos available, but another effective treatment you might want to consider is a hair transplant. This can be a long-term solution to hair loss, and you can learn more about this option at

3.   Slowed Metabolism

You might also notice that you gain some weight during menopause as your metabolism slows. A good way to maintain a healthy weight is by eating a nutritious diet and getting regular exercise. If you’re not feeling up to strenuous workouts, a gentle walk for around 30-minutes a day can still be beneficial. Some good foods to eat when you are going through menopause include whole grains and fatty fish like salmon, broccoli, grapes, and chickpeas.

4.   Irregular Periods

There are a lot of things that can cause irregular periods. Still, they can be one of the first signs of menopause, particularly if you’re not using birth control like the contraceptive pill or other medication that can interfere with your hormones. You should always see a doctor if you are experiencing irregular periods to rule out any other possible health issues. Still, if you are around the age where menopause usually starts, this is likely the cause.

5.   Changes in Mood

Just like PMS, you might notice that your mood can change frequently, and you might feel more irritable or depressed than usual. Some methods of managing this include keeping a journal, getting more exercise, regulating your sleep, HRT, or finding other activities that might help you feel more relaxed and boost your mood.

If you are experiencing any of the above, it could be an indication that you have started menopause. If you’re unsure, speak to your doctor to find out and rule out any other possible health concerns.

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