2022’s Best Outdoor Toys for Kids
Are you concerned that your kids never go outside? You’re not alone. According to recent data, your kids spend 35% less time outside than you did growing up.
And, when you think about it, it’s not surprising. Addictive YouTube videos and hyperstimulating mobile games are available to our kids. They’re so easy to access and so hard to put down that most kids prefer to stare at a screen all day.
Fortunately, we have the solution. All you have to do is make playing outside more tempting.
To help you with this, we’ve listed the best outdoor toys for kids right here in this guide. Put a couple of these in your backyard and your kids will be begging for more time outside.
Cycles and Scooters
No list of kids’ outdoor toys is complete without manually-powered vehicles like cycles and scooters. And if your child’s too young for a bike, get them a tricycle.
Scooters and skates are a great option if you can’t afford a bike. Also, these options are often adjustable to grow with your child. This saves you even more money.
Little Tikes Cozy Coupe
Children as young as 18 months can enjoy cruising around in the classic Little Tikes Cozy Coupe. At this age, you can push the car while your child sits securely inside. Later, you can remove the floor so that older toddlers can use their feet to push the vehicle forward.
Electronic Cars
Believe it or not, battery-powered electric cars are available for children as young as 2. Plus, you can usually find one that matches any real car make and model, like this 2020 BMW i8 toy car. This way, you can get your child a car that looks just like yours.
Bubble Wands/Machines
Bubbles are always great because:
- They’re safe (no choking hazard, non-toxic, easy to supervise)
- They’re fun to blow and fun to pop
- They’re cheap
- All kids love them
- All ages can participate in the fun
- Bubble wands are available in any size
- You can even make your own bubbles/wands (a fun craft for kids)
Plus, you can get battery-powered bubble-blowing machines. These are excellent gift ideas for toddlers as toddlers may be unable to blow bubbles themselves.
Tee Ball
Tee-ball offers all the fun of baseball for children who are otherwise too little to play. This is one of the best summer outdoor toys for families with lots of children.
Sandbox/Sand Toys
Sand is cheap and so are buckets and toy dump trucks. And yet, your toddlers will play with them for hours without getting bored.
Tossing Games
Games that involve tossing are fun for more competitive children. The best examples are horseshoes, cornhole, and Toss Across.
Keep Them Healthy With the Best Outdoor Toys for Kids
We warn you: your kids might not want to come back inside if you purchase these items. But they’ll enjoy hours and hours of healthy, outdoor activity.
Also, don’t forget that these toys are great gift ideas for your child’s next birthday party. So, share this list of the best outdoor toys for kids with your friends and family.
Next, learn about baby monitors, newborn clothing essentials, and ways to help your baby sleep. Find these topics and other helpful guides on our Baby Products blog (under the Lifestyle tab on our site menu).