2020 Parenting Resolutions That Are Easy to Make
It’s 2020, and many parents are wondering how this year, and this decade, are going to treat them. If you’re a mom, you’ve probably made some personal resolutions, but you should look at your parenting resolutions, too. Here are some ones you can make that have a big impact, but don’t require too much out of you.
Cook More
Cooking more is a smart move for any mother. By cooking, we’re talking about being able to whip up a hot meal for you and your children. It’s cheaper, more nutritious, and more fulfilling than ordering fast food. However, you may find that you don’t have the time. There are ways for you to cook when you’re on a time crunch. Meal prep can help. Cooking meals at night, then keeping them refrigerated for the next day, is smart. You can purchase kitchen appliances that can help with this. For instance, using a slow cooker allows you to make a meal overnight, and an Instant Pot works wonders.
Keep Safety Up to Date
It’s 2020, so many of your car seats, strollers, or other kids’ products may not be up to date with the latest in safety standards. Always make sure everything is up to date. You can do this by doing some research on the latest in car safety. Protecting your child comes first.
Get More Rest
The 2010s was all about that restless life. Talking about being sleepless, how you’ll sleep when you’re dead, and having enough bags under your eyes to carry a month’s worth of groceries were just a few examples. However, in 2020, we’re all about getting some sleep when you need it. Don’t be afraid to get some extra sleep. Go to bed earlier, catch up on your Z’s when you’re off, and don’t use your phone so much before bed.
Seek Help from a Professional
Being a parent means a stressful life, and there are too many mothers who don’t seek the help they need. A therapist can help you learn how to cope when you’re dealing with stress, anxiety, and depression, all of which are common in new mothers. You can speak to local counselors who can give you life, career, or marriage advice as well.
Thanks to the Internet, receiving help is much easier. You can speak to an online counselor who can help you with any problems you have. Getting help with your life or with your parenting is something you shouldn’t be ashamed of. Everyone needs help once in a while.
Don’t Be As Angry With Your Child
We understand it’s hard to control your temper when you have a wild child and you’re tired. However, yelling at your child or losing your temper shows weakness and doesn’t set a good example. A counselor or therapist can help with anger management. If you do lose your temper, which is probably inevitable, don’t feel too ashamed, but also apologize to your child and admit it’s not a good example.
Save Some Money
A parent needs a little extra money, be it for a rainy day, your future, or your child’s future. Make 2020 the year of saving. You could always open up a separate savings account and go from there, or you could save a little bit of money by tracking your expenses through an app. You may be making purchases that you can cut back on or eliminate altogether. Do you really need five different streaming platforms?
Spend More Time With Your Child
This is a goal that many mothers want to accomplish, but in today’s hectic world, it’s a challenge. With work and life, we can’t spend as much time with your child as we want. However, for your child’s sake, feel free to spend more time with them whenever possible and make sure that you’re giving them their best life.
We all have resolutions, and being a better parent is something that you should resolve to do all the time, not just at the beginning of the year. Set some goals, track them, and see how you do in the end. You will probably make some major improvements in your life.
Marie Miguel Biography:
Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with BetterHelp.com. With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.