Why Improving Your Life May Begin with Returning Your Attention to the Present Moment
There are many different things that people do in order to improve their lives in one way or another, ranging from things such as taking up a fitness routine, to establishing a clear set of goals for the future and practicing visualization exercises, and more.
Whether you are looking to be more frugal and minimalist, or are after more fulfilment in your working life, however, there’s a good argument that any path towards personal improvement should probably begin with honing your ability to return your attention to the present moment.
Here are some reasons why improving your life may begin with returning your attention to the present moment.
Because there will always be things in your present situation that you can adjust and improve
First and foremost, it’s often difficult to actually come up with ambitious goals for the future, and to formulate those into a coherent action plan that you can make real progress on.
If anything, it is this very situation that is responsible for causing so many people to remain in a state of inertia, and to never get around to pursuing their dreams in the first place.
Contrary to this, however, there will always be things in your present situation that you can adjust and improve – both big and small – which will have some genuine and tangible positive effect on your life as a whole.
Even something as simple as researching and purchasing healthy food for dogs can have a marked positive impact, by improving your pet’s health and energy levels.
Because often, what stops us from moving forward is our own thoughts concerning the past and future
There are all sorts of things that can prevent us from taking action to realize our dreams, or that can put us into a situation where we habitually procrastinate.
To a very significant degree, many of these hurdles are actually a matter of us being held back by our own thoughts concerning the past and future – specifically our fears, ruminations, concerns, and hangups.
Returning your attention to the present moment can allow you to step back from these worries and hangups, and can help you to take action and move ahead.
Because you can only directly act in the present moment
Our memories are incredibly precious, and our ability to imagine and anticipate the future is vitally important in various ways, as well.
At the same time, it is vitally important to remember that you can only ever actually directly act in the here and now, in the present moment.
No matter what your dream is, and no matter what it is you want to achieve in the future, you can only actually achieve anything “in the future,” by taking action in the moment.
Realizing this and bearing it in mind can help to simplify things to a significant degree, and can reduce a lot of the confusion and sense of overwhelm that can accompany a self-improvement resolution.
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