
Things to Avoid When Blogging From Home

Blogging is a great hobby. Yet it can also be a full or part time business, earning you a secondary or primary income. There are many great blogging success stories out there, and you can be one of them! The trick is understanding that you are actually running a business. This change occurs when you start relying on the money coming in from your blog. It may not happen overnight, but you’ll soon see the money from your blog become more and more central to how you live. There are certain blunders that you need to avoid too, especially if you are running your blog as a business. Some you may have considered, yet read on because you might see something you have yet to think about.

If you get into the position of running more than one blog, which many bloggers do when they get a feel for it, you need to start thinking about your business acumen. You likely work from home, but the address doesn’t look too business like. So consider renting a po box. Your business will look better for when you’re dealing with advertisers and people seeking marketing opportunities. Presenting yourself in a professional manner works wonders. Not doing so is a blunder that could cost you much money and potentially fruitful business relationships.

Another mistake certain bloggers make is failing to look into SEO. This is force of habit. The blog begins as a hobby in most cases, as such SEO isn’t thought of or needed. Yet as the blog turns into a money making business, you need to address this. Search engine optimisation is essentially the practice of ensuring your site appears high on the list of returns from a search on a site like Google. You can pay for this, just ensure your outgoings are covered by incoming money. You can also do a bit of it yourself. Look at Google analytics. From it you can see from where people are entering your site. It lets you know what advertising streams are working, and from which countries people are enjoying your blogs. This gives you what you need to improve on traffic and is an opportunity not to be squandered.

Another major blunder than many bloggers make is letting the quality of their content slip. It can happen ever so naturally, especially when you are looking at more than blog. The workload piles up and you find yourself having too much to do to continue keeping the blog fresh. It is dangerous because it is what got you popular in the first place. Don’t let it be what kills you. Complete some good posts. At least three or four quality posts a week, to keep the die hard fans happy. Fail to do this and you’ll start losing subscribers. This is the first sign your blog is dying. You can turn it around, you can even consider hiring writers or paying for the content to be professionally written. As long as the content is great and the readers happy.

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