
The Kids Have Gone to School: Now What?

The Kids Have Gone to School: Now What?For the first few years of your children’s lives, you were running around, making sure everything was well taken care of and that they had everything they needed. Now, though, your kids have gone to school – and this has afforded you a level of free time that you haven’t experienced in many years. The question is, what are you going to do with all this time? While it can be slightly scary to have your freedom back, it’s better to think of it as an opportunity! Take a read below, and get some ideas kicking around your head.

Figuring Out What You Want To Do

First thing’s first: what is it that you want to do? Of course, this might not be as liberating a thought as it might be. That’ll depend on whether you need to get a job, or if you’re able to share the school drop-off/pick up routine with your partner. Still, work within your parameters and figure out how you’d like to spend your days. You might want to start a new career, return to your old work, or do something else entirely. The choice is yours.

Calling Old Employers

If you want to return to your old work, then the first port of call will be to have a conversation with your old employer. First of all, to determine whether the job still exists; a lot may have changed since you were last there. Second, to see if the job can accommodate all the responsibilities that parenting brings. If it’s all steam ahead, then you’ll want to give yourself some time to adjust back to working life. Some parents find it easier to start on a part-time basis, and then gradually work their way up to full-time hours.

Returning to Education

If you’re not sure which job you’d like to do, and you’re in no rush, then look at furthering your education. You’ll have a large chunk of the day to study; it’ll get your mind working again, and it might just lead to a new career. Study for an online accounting MBA, and you’ll be qualified to apply for jobs that have a high salary. Think of it as investing in yourself. While you’re figuring out your next moves, it’s a good idea to use the time to give yourself as many opportunities as possible for the future.

Pick up a Passion

Remember, you were an individual before you became a parent, and you can be an individual now. If there are some passions that have been left on the shelf for too many years, why not pick them up again? It’s easy to forget just how fulfilling it can be to do things that we enjoy. If those passions are part of your history, pick up another one: there are plenty of cool things to do out there!

You’re always going to be a parent, and your kids should stay your priority: but, make sure you make the most of this precious time!

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