Taking Care Of Your Health After Having A Baby
Your body has just gone through nine months of carrying a baby, so it’s important to look after it so it’s working correctly after giving birth. Here are some ways you can take care of your health after having a little one, so you keep in good shape to look after your new baby.
Do pelvic exercises
One of the top issues you will find after giving birth is the fact your pelvic floor muscles will have weakened. It means your bladder might have shifted which can cause you to wet yourself easily when coughing or laughing. Therefore, one of the best ways you can look after your health after having a baby is to ensure you are doing pelvic exercises. Your doctor will recommend you do some kegel exercises to strengthen those muscles again. It will mean you are in better health to look after your baby without having to rush to the toilet every five minutes. Remember not to push yourself too hard till you’re ready.
Eat a healthy diet
You need also to ensure that you are eating a good diet if you want to look after your health after giving birth. Try and stick to healthy meals as your digestive system may not be working as efficiently after you have just given birth. It can be hard to eat something as you may feel nauseous in the first few weeks. Stick to easy to eat foods such as yogurts, which are full of good bacteria. Bifidus Regularis, which is found in Activia and Actimel, will support the immune system and keep your digestion on track. You need also to eat a good diet so you can avoid hemorrhoids which tend to occur after giving birth. You tend to get constipated after giving birth and then struggle to go to the toilet, meaning it’s easy to cause tears which lead to hemorrhoids. Therefore, stick to a good diet to help your post-baby body stay healthy.
Drink plenty of water
Another thing which often occurs during and after giving birth is urine infections. You will know if you have one as it will burn when you do go to the toilet, and it can be very painful. You may also struggle to go at all. To try and avoid urine infections, you should ensure you are drinking plenty of water after giving birth. As I talked about before, it’s essential to help maintain a healthy urinary tract. You should also speak to the doctor as they may advise you to take some tablets to help beat the urine infection.
Get enough sleep if you can
It’s easier said than done to get plenty of sleep when the baby has arrived. But you need to try and get some rest so that you keep your mental health well. Ask your partner to look after the baby for a while so you can get some rest. It will mean you will be able to be more awake when you are around the baby.
Remember to try and not worry about getting your post body figure back until you’re ready. It’s more important to look after your health and your baby, and then you can worry about losing weight later!
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