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ShaveMOB: Save 70% on Premium Shaving Razors! Review

A special thanks to ShaveMOB for providing me with free razors for reviewing purposes!


Flexible, Easy Packages
No Membership
and No recurring fees

 I was recently introduced to the newest subscription box service called ShaveMOb, which provides a monthly box of razors. When it comes to razors, I’m a tad stingy and always purchase the ones the have the best sale. So when I discovered I would be receiving three spectacular razors that would potentially shave my legs without a dozen nicks, I was pretty excited! When the package arrived, there was no disappointment from me and I was immediately excited by all of the pink! I have tried out all three of the style razors that were sent to me and am so happy with their performance. The razor handle alone makes shaving a cinch, securing the razor in your hand and assuring you wont accidentally slip and cut yourself (or in my case drop it a bunch of time!) This subscription box service is also much cheaper than going out and buying razors every month at the store and they leave you in full control of your service. A variety of packages, no memberships and there are no recurring fees! What more could you ask for!

You can also find ShaveMOB on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest!


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