How to Develop a Healthy Balance Between Online & Offline Life For Your Child
You might use Ewriting Service on daily basis, but how will you prevent your kid from accessing porn? It’s hard! Parents can use the following steps to help children balance online and offline life.
Understand the technology, websites, and apps that your child use
Many parents claim they don’t know how to operate certain apps, go through a laptop, or switch on an Xbox. YouTube parental controls videos will aid you with skills to overcome these obstacles. You can use the parents’ app guide to fill in your child’s apps to know how they work. Learn how teens use social media sites to get a hint of their behaviors.
Use the privacy settings
Check the parental and privacy settings on a child’s gadget. Only the super savvy teenagers will bypass the settings if they have enough time to do that. Unfortunately, younger kids can’t manage this, and it will slow them down on what they do online.
Track and filter the content your kid sees
Despite the trust in your children, install monitoring software on laptops and phones. Keep in mind to be genuine with the monitoring to avoid bad blood between you and your child. Remember to reinstall the software as needed.
Educate your kids on digital citizenship
Kids should understand that anything posted online is permanent. It’s good for them to safeguard their reputation and use platforms like LinkedIn to build their reputation. On the other hand, they shouldn’t be posting sexy pictures on Instagram and Twitter.
Control the child’s technology use
Limit screen and technology time for your kid. Set rules on how and when to use the internet. Your child should know when to receive and make calls, chat, or even get online. Use the parental control software to achieve this.
Store electronic devices in open areas in a home
When electronic devices are in public, your kid won’t be able to sneak and watch porn. He won’t even talk to strangers online. So restrict laptops, phones, or tablets in bathrooms and bedrooms. These gadgets shouldn’t be private devices to hide from the rest of the family members.
Your child should sign a technology behavior contract
To enable children to behave well online, let them sign this behavior contract. They should know the results of not adhering to the signed agreement to try and abide by it.
Enhance your child’s online autonomy
As a guardian, your goal is to enable the child to build autonomy in emotions, chores, and social bonds. However, monitoring and blocking some of their online activities may not work on your child for long. Children need guidance to have well manners even when nobody is watching them.
Respect children privacy
It’s the most important step that you need to observe. Then, your child will understand that the monitoring is not about getting in their privacy. They will know you are protecting them from harm. Allow them to talk to their friends and access websites that teach sexual health. Always knock before getting into their rooms.
Create time for offline fun
Now that you have reduced the time for kids to glue on electronics, you need to fill this time. Have time for fun with your kids to play some games that will build your bond. Ensure they get the real pleasure and relationship they miss in online life.
The child’s development stage is key and delicate. You can build your future child’s behavior by instilling in them what you need. Track their online life and provide swift mechanisms to tame their behavior. Remember, as much as you try to check your child’s activities, know that their privacy matters a lot. Be a role model as they emulate what you also do.