How to Clean Old Spots from Carpets?
Cleaning is one of the toughest jobs in the world and cleaning carpets is probably one of the toughest of all cleaning jobs that exist. Whether you are taking care of a family home that has young kids and pets who mess up all day long, or you are someone who regularly hosts cocktail parties for your friends, your carpets are the most vulnerable victim in the house.
One of the main reasons why carpet cleaning is such a challenging task is because rugs are made up of small and delicate microfibers that make stain removal difficult unless powerful cleaning agents are used with a carpet shampooer. Moreover, most carpets are usually super expensive, and a long-term investment but they can quickly be ruined during a rough cleaning session.
No matter how much you are careful about your precious carpet adorning your living space, a little mishap by a hyperactive toddler or a visiting guest can easily cause you heartbreak. That being said, it is not easy for everyone to replace a carpet with a new one overnight. For most people, rugs are a considerable investment, and therefore there needs to be a safer alternative that can bring your mat back to life without causing any damage to it. If your carpet is a victim of old stubborn stains, here are a few methods that you can try to get rid of them and make your carpet spotless again.
The Baking Soda Method
Baking soda is one of the most excellent cleaning agents that you can easily find ion your kitchen. For this method, you will require a bowl, a few clean sheets of a white towel, water, a few heavy books or some other bulky flat surface to exert weight, and a vacuum cleaner. Take a bowl and add a cup of baking soda in some water.
Now stir well and keep adding water as you mix until you get a thick paste. If your solution is too runny, add more baking soda to make it thicker. Run a vacuum over your carpet to make sure that any loose particles of dirt or dust are cleaned up from the carpet surface. Now apply the paste that you had prepared generously over the carpet area that you wish to clean. You can use your fingers to rub the fibers gently.
Now spread some clean towel sheets over the stain and place some weight on top of the towels. Let them be for a little over an hour and then remove the cloth and the weight. Run another round of vacuum all over it so any residual paste can come off.
If you want better results, you can add vinegar to the method. Vinegar is another powerful natural cleaning agent and can work wonders. The technique is mostly the same. Merely make a vinegar and water solution in a spray bottle and spray the solution on the target area once you have applied the paste. Leave the mixture on the carpet for a couple of hours and then brush it off lightly followed by a vacuum. Your carpet will feel fresh and spotless.
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