
Healthy Habits Program & Booklets From Girl Scouts

This post is sponsored post written by me on Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital and Together Counts via Mom It Forward. All of the thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are 100% my very own. #HealthyHabits

Healthy Habits Program & Booklets From Girl Scouts #HealthyHabits

When my daughter was in kindergarten I placed her on a waiting list for Girl Scouts. Almost a year later we received an much anticipated phone call informing us that a local troop had been created and my daughter was officially apart of it. She greatly enjoyed the year and a half she spent with her group, I watched her flourish and become a more confident and social young girl. Although we are no long apart of that troop due to moving across the country, that is a chapter of her life that I am so fortunate she had the opportunity to participate in. Girl Scouts stands for so many amazing things and they are always looking for ways to help young girls be strong, confident and healthy young girls.


Healthy Habits Program & Booklets 

(In partnership with the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation)


Girl Scouts Nation’s Capital has developed three healthy habits booklets to easily incorporate energy balance into meetings, outings, events and adventures! The free booklets (yes you read the correctly… FREE) help guide girls as they learn how to lead active and healthy lifestyles. Through the use of these free resources for Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors, Girl Scout volunteers and families are able to guide girls in fun and easy ways, helping them to achieve “energy balance.” These three amazing and incredibly resourceful Healthy Habits booklets available for download and include the following titles:

Between Earth and Sky with Healthy Habits: girls learn about the many plants, trees, and animals that flourish in nature, and also build important leadership skills. 

WOW! Wonders of Water with Healthy Habits:  girls discover the many forms and paths that water takes and how to protect it. They also learn how to engage in teamwork, speak effectively to convey a message, and inspire others

Get Moving! with Healthy Habits: girls learn how to use their energy to protect Earth’s energy and build important leadership skills.

Together Counts Program

Healthy Habits Program & Booklets From Girl Scouts #HealthyHabits

The Together Counts program is available nationwide and is provided by the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation to inspire active and healthy living via physical activity and nutrition (a fundamental underpinning of efforts to reduce obesity.) The principle behind this program is called Energy Balance, which basically just means balancing the calories we consume with the calories we expend. Energy In is the calories you get from eating and drinking while energy out are the calories you burn from physical activities.

Health and fitness has always been a major part of Girl Scouting since girls ran foot races in 1912! Camping is essential to the Girl Scout’s mission, it is about the outdoors and developing a deep appreciation for nature. Girls greatly enjoy camping with their troop, attending a Girl Scout day and evening or resident sleep-away camp. From high adventure with kayaking, archery and rock climbing to traditional camps with crafts, singing, hiking and cooking over an open fire, Girl Scout camps give girls the opportunity to grow, explore, and have fun under the guidance of caring, trained adults. If this sounds like something you would like to get your daughter involved with, make sure to find your local council and enroll her in a camp program. If you would personally like to get involved with Girl Scouts, volunteers are supported with program level and subject training courses online and in classroom settings. There is a lot of peer-to-peer support and mentoring, as well as quality publications to support the delivery of high quality programs. You can also connect with Girl Scouts on Facebook and Twitter and connect with Together Counts on Twitter and Pinterest.


24 thoughts on “Healthy Habits Program & Booklets From Girl Scouts

  1. I was a girl scout back in the day (a million years ago). Now I have all boys, so we are a boy scout family.

    1. I was a Brownie and a Scout. My three boys have all been (and the youngest still is) scouts too. My daughter never, sadly, showed an interest. She has other hobbies/things she enjoys though. 🙂

  2. I remember being in girl scouts when I was little, there are a ton of memories that I still hold onto. Now a days they do so many actives and help out in the community. Back then we just did a lot of arts and crafts!

  3. The Together Counts program sounds like such a great thing for girls. And these booklets are so fabulous! I’ll have to let my sister in law know about all the amazing things going on at Girl Scouts for my niece.

  4. This is one of the reasons why we should encourage our daughters to join the Girl Scouts. They learn are valuable lessons which will help them grow up to be more responsible adults.

  5. I was never apart of girl scouts because they were kind of controversial where I lived (lots of corruption). I’m glad to read something positive about them though! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Here we have girl guides instead of scouts and I was one as a kid. I loved it so much, it was tons of fun.

  7. Girl Scouts is a great program for girls. I remember when my Daughter was involved with them when she was little. She still keeps in touch with a few of the friends she made.

  8. These are great booklets. i am a fan of Scouts. My Son was a Boy Scout when he was little. He learned so many great things.

  9. It’s so great to hear that the Girl Scouts are taking measures to make sure that girls have a positive body image. There is so much media telling them that they’re not good enough. 🙁 Teaching kids to love their bodies and to be media savvy is so, so important.

  10. Girl Scouts is a fond memory from my childhood. Unfortunately, it’s not what it used to be. Some of these booklets look like good resources for the girls.

  11. I remember being a girl scout when I was growing up, they have added so many nice programs since I was apart of it. I really like the message they are trying to send to girls with these new programs.

  12. Those healthy booklets look really well-put together and illustrated. I always wanted to be a part of Girl Scouts, but it wasn’t in the cards for me.

  13. It is really important to get kids to adopt an active lifestyle. I think kayaking is great for kids because they will think its fun and they get a great workout.

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