
Five Reasons To Workout From Home

Given the pandemic and the lockdown situations across the world right now, many people are having their fitness plans scuppered. People are joining a gym and finding that gyms are closing over and over again. It makes working out consistently exceptionally difficult – except that there is one place you can work out for free that doesn’t involve you pounding the pavement in the winter: at home!

Home workouts are often poo-pooed because of the fact they don’t have all the equipment a gym has. It’s a common misconception, though, that you need treadmills and stepping machines for a workout to be effective. What you need is the right plan and if necessary, the right equipment for dumbbell workouts for home. Dumbbells are much cheaper and easier to use at home than a full-sized treadmill, too. There are plenty of great reasons to work from home, and we’ve got five of them for you below:

  1. Time Saving. So many people can never seem to find the time to get themselves to the gym, and yet when you work from home, there are no time constraints. You can work at any time of night or day, and you can even choose to break up your workouts and do two short bursts a day. Your life is busy enough, and carving out time to drive to the gym, work out and drive home? That’s not always easy. So, when you work from home you don’t have to “get ready”, you’re already there.
  2. Money Saving. A monthly gym membership is a luxury and while many offer affordable rates, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you can afford it all the time. Home workouts are often free on YouTube, and while you may spend a little cash on your dumbbells or TRX trainer, it’s one investment and the equipment is yours for life.
  3. Comfort. You can’t train in your underwear in the gym. Well, you could, but probably just the once! If you want to train in your underwear and a sports bra at home, no one is judging you for it. You can be as comfortable as you like, and there’s no need to worry about anyone staring you down. You are in the comfort of your living room, and you can choose to be cheap and avoid paying out for costly sportswear.
  4. Confidence. Home workouts can offer you far more confidence than gym workouts. No one is looking your way, and you can workout and be happy and confident as you do it. Even when you look a little ridiculous, you can still enjoy the workout!
  5. You’re In Charge. You can choose the workouts you want to do, when you want to do them, as you are your own boss of your health. No one is here telling you what to do or how to do it; it’s freeing to have that lack of judgement once again.

Sure, you may prefer the gym, but in a pandemic situation, you don’t get much of a choice! Embracing home workouts could change the way you do things – why not give it a go?

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