Fall Clean Up: Turning Chores Into a Game
I am not big on allowances and rewarding my kids for household chores. I strongly believe that all of my children should actively participate in household chores in order to teach them independence and responsibility… not to teach them that they get something in return for cleaning up after themselves. I have learned a lot over the years when it comes to this method and have found that making chores fun is always a way to get them motivated. While the weather is still warm here in Georgia, there are plenty of leaves that have fallen from the trees into the backyard. I decided this would not only be a great way for the kids to burn off some energy, but a fun way for them to participate in another chore.
So here are some simple and fun games to make fall cleanup for for your kids!
Play Leaf Leapfrog: Take jumping in the leaf pile up a notch by creating some smaller leaf piles around your yard. Then encourage your kids to hop from one pile to the next. See what fun and silly ways they can think of to travel from each spot! You could even make this an educational experience by asking your child to discover which pile makes the loudest crunch when stomped on. You can even turn it into a relay race to see how long it takes your kids to jump through all the mounds. There are just so many fun ways to encourage the kids to get those leaves into a pile!
Create an Obstacle Course: Rake the leaves into a line around your yard, clearing a path for your children to follow. You can have the path go under some chairs, around bags of leaves, and through your swing set. Encourage your kids to run, crawl, or even bike through it.
Start a Sorting Competition: My children really love to compete when it comes to chores. For this particular chore, you could always set a timer and grab a giant pile of leaves. See how many leaves your children can sort by color in two minutes. Create a friendly family competition by seeing who can sort the most. You can also use this to encourage your children to help gather leaves, too.
Play Freeze Rake: My kids love games like simon says, freeze dance and freeze tag… so I decided why not play something called freeze rake? While you are listening to music, have someone work the music controls and stop it every once in a while then freeze. Games like this always result in lots of giggles, you can never go wrong with a game of free rake!
And if you are feeling really up to the challenge, see if you can get your pet dog to join in on the fall cleanup, hehe!
Once you have all of the leaves bagged up in ready to go… what do you do with them? With Halloween right around the corner, why not take those trash bags and decorate them with spooky faces and creepy designs? I have found that the Hefty Ultra Strong Kitchen Trash Bags are perfect for this activity. They are available at a new low price, have Active Tear Resistant Technology for superior strength and break resistant grip drawstring!