Clothing & Accessories, Reviews

Everybody’s Different, and That’s Rad! Review

A special thanks to bomelycreative for sending me a free shirt to review on my blog!

Each and every one of us is born unique, there is no doubt about that and it’s that uniqueness that makes us special. As parents we wish with all of our hearts that we could always be there to protect our children so they never feel sadness. Unfortunately we can’t always be there to protect them and they are bound to deal with bullying at some point in their childhood. There is no greater way to help prevent this than to spread awareness and that is exactly what the shirt in this review was intended for!

Chris Bomley and his wife were inspired by their daughter, whom was born with down syndrome, to help spread awareness and help people to realize that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being different. It’s a simple message that we must instill in our children so they know to be respectful of others no matter how different they may look. I strive every day to teach my children that bullying is never the answer and I hope that when they are ever put in that situation, they will choose not to be a bully.

This shirt is also offered in kids sizes AND a portion of every one of the shirts sold will be donated to The Down Syndrome Association of Central Texas.Image of Everybody's Different, and That's Rad - KIDS SIZE

Check out the other shirts available at bomelycreative!

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Image of California Love

So what are you waiting for? Purchase your shirt today and show the world that being different is rad!



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