Easy Knitting Patterns & Projects for Beginners
Knitting is something commonly associated with the elderly, as a way to pass the time. Actually though, it’s a craft activity suitable for all ages and has several benefits as a way to wind down, relax and improve your mental wellbeing. If you’ve been considering having a go at knitting for a while but aren’t sure where or how to start, here’s some simple knitting project ideas and patterns for beginners.
Starting with simple patterns won’t leave you feeling confused or frustrated, but instead can help you acquire a new hobby to enjoy and create hats, scarves, blankets and more for your loved ones to cherish.
What do you need?
To get started with knitting, you will need three main things – a knitting pattern of your choice, some yarn, and knitting needles. If you’re a beginner, don’t feel like you have to spend a fortune on the best yarn or needles out there. You can start off small on a budget and build up your collection of yarn over time as you’re learning.
The Foundry Works offer a beautiful range of yarn including hand-dyed yarn in all kinds of stunning colourways. It’s a family-run business who offer yarn, knitting patterns and knitting kits from a number of independent businesses as well as their own range of hand-dyed yarn manufactured by hand at their store in Sheffield.
Easy knitting projects to get started…
Whether your first knitting pattern will be for yourself or to give to a friend, a popular knitting project for beginners to embark on is a classic scarf. It’s a great item to begin with that you’ll be able to use proudly yourself or gift to your family or friends. You could create a rainbow coloured scarf using multicoloured yarn, or go for a more neutral colour to begin with that you can wear all year round.
Blankets are another great item for knitting beginners to start with.You could take an order from a friend or family member in terms of the colour, size and pattern they would like on their blanket and then dedicate any of your spare time to practising your knitting technique. Blankets don’t require any tricky techniques or shapes so are a perfect pattern to start with!
Kids toys
If you’re a parent, auntie, grandparent or their are young children in your life, why not get started with a simple childs teddy bear to begin your knitting journey? There are tons of kids knitting patterns out there to choose from, like Ronnie the Fox, Nell the Donkey and many more, so you can find a toy that you know your child will love and use.
Beanie hats
Similar to scarves, wooly hats are always a handy item to have around the house. Whether it’s chilly outside or you’re simply having a bad hair day, why not knit your own wooly hat to throw on when needed? For beginners, opt for a simple knitting pattern and either one colour yarn or a simple colourway to make your life easier and make the learning process as enjoyable as possible.
Cushion covers
Another great knitting pattern for beginners are cushion or pillow covers. You can never have too many cushions around the home to keep it cosy and homely, which is why having a go at knitting your own cover is even more special and will act as a constant reminder of the start of your new hobby. Find a pattern that will be just the right level of challenging and either opt for a neutral cushion or a bright pop of colour to brighten any room.
Knitting is such a popular activity because of how versatile it can be – you can get your knitting needles out in many situations to pass the time, calm yourself down and switch off for a while. Whether you’re on a long car journey, watching TV, sitting in a waiting room, etc. – the opportunities for knitting are endless.