Clean Eating Recipe: Seasoned Cod & Sauteed Asparagus
I took it upon myself to really change how we are eating and commit to clean eating! What is clean eating you ask? Well it’s exactly how it sounds… you are eating fresh meals made with real ingredients. Ditch those premade meals, stop cooking from the box, it’s time to challenge yourself and see what healthy and clean meals you can create! I promise you that it doesn’t have to be time consuming and you can create some truly amazing meals with just a few simple ingredients. Let’s take this seasoned cod and sauteed asparagus for example. This literally called for a handful of ingredients and resulted in a mouthwatering meal.
I have been experimenting with asparagus a lot lately and really wasn’t happy with how it would come out when I baked it. Not sure if I was overcooking or undercooking it, but it was always coming out a bit too soggy for my liking. I decided on a whim to dice it up and sauteed it in some EVOO and garlic sea salt… and it came out amazing. The texture was much more appealing to me and I feel like it brought out a better flavor. I cook my asparagus like this all of the time now and it takes less than 10 minutes, so yummy!
The cod was just as simple to make, all I did was spread some EVOO on top and sprinkle with cumin. The key to keeping your cod extra juicy and flavorful is to create a pouch with tin foil and cook it inside of that. Make sure that you close the tin foil in a way that none of the juices leak out. Cook your cod in the over at 350 for about 10-15 minutes and you have yourself a delicious and clean meal!
I hope you enjoyed this simple and clean eating recipe and that I have encouraged you to make the change! I can’t wait to share all of the clean eating recipes I have been creating in the kitchen, stay tuned my friends!