
Before You Buy a House, Do These Radon Things

It is always an exciting time when you find a house you really love. You carry out all the necessary tests including price, building structure, etc. But always include radon gas testing as one of your requirements.

In case you don’t know, radon is a natural gas which leaks from uranium which decays. This uranium has been in the earth for millennia and over time the uranium decays and radon gas escapes. If it escapes from open ground, there is little or no problem. But if a building is covering the ground in which radon gas is trying to escape, it is likely it will find a way into your home. Medical experts now tell us that radon gas can cause serious health problems. So the issue is simple. Find out if radon gas is escaping into your home. If so, make sure you get rid of it.

Here are 10 things you should do before buying a home as far as radon is concerned.

  • make sure a radon test is part of your building inspection
  • know what radon gas is and what it can do
  • learn about radon testing and what the results can mean for you and your family
  • know about different results from radon testing
  • know what to do if your potential home has high radon gas levels
  • know how to find a professional radon gas mitigation company
  • learn about the costs of installing a radon mitigation system
  • know how to test your radon mitigation system
  • learn how to maintain your radon mitigation system
  • understand the value to your property of a radon mitigation system

Because buying a home is almost always the biggest financial investment you will make, advises to make sure the property is thoroughly inspected before you make an offer. There are all sorts of things you could find using a professional inspection service. But whatever you do in the inspection of your possible purchase, make sure it includes a survey on radon gas. It’s possible to do a simple and quick check using inexpensive equipment. But if your inspection service is truly professional, they will inspect for radon gas as a matter of course. Don’t skimp on the inspection services, make sure they’re professionals that’ll inspect everything thoroughly.

Make sure you know what you’re talking about. You don’t have to be an expert but knowing the basics of where radon gas comes from, what it can do and how you can remove it, is really important.

That knowledge about radon gas includes the impact it can have on you and your family if the tests prove positive. Again you do not have to be an expert but knowing the basics will help you deal with the inspection and purchase processes.

If proper testing is carried out, you need to understand the results of the tests. Whatever the level of radon gas found on your property, you need to take the situation seriously and know the steps to take to fix the problem.

It might well be that your potential home records a high reading of radon gas. What do you do? The first thing is to not sign a purchase contract for the property until the radon gas situation has been sorted. You need to ensure that a radon gas mitigation system is installed in your home. If you go ahead and sign the purchase contract without having that mitigation system installed, you will be responsible for it. Knowing there is a high level of radon gas in your home, you are in a position to either have the purchase price reduced or have the vendor pay for the cost of installing the mitigation system.

Finding a professional company to install a radon gas mitigation system complete with radon fan can be tricky. There are many such professional companies dealing with this specific topic. Talk to people in the trade and talk to people who have hired a professional radon gas company.

Knowing the costs of installation of a radon gas mitigation system will help you to shop around. You want the best quality equipment which will keep your home safe from this gas.

It is essential that you know the basics of operating your mitigation system. You need to read the information provided and the know the system takes any radon gas, passes it through a series of pipes and courtesy of a radon fan pushes this gas into the atmosphere where it dissipates. The maintenance of your system is vitally important.


Always understand that the safety of you and your family will remain your number one priority. But as a side benefit, having a professionally installed radon gas mitigation system in your home will definitely increase its resale value.

8 thoughts on “Before You Buy a House, Do These Radon Things

  1. This is some really good information about radon. I want to buy my first home soon. So, I liked that you explained that it would be smart for me to learn how to maintain radon mitigation systems.

  2. I want to buy my first home soon. However, I still need to get some extra money saved up before I start my house hunt. I liked what you said about how I can get some help with the down payment on my first home by checking my states home buying assistance policies.

  3. There is no doubt that a home is an investment as well as a place to live. At some point in the future, you may want to sell your current property and move somewhere new. And when you do, you want to get the best price possible.

  4. I appreciated that you mentioned how radon can be harmful if we did not do an examination. My wife and I are newlyweds and we do not know anything about this. We would need a home expert who can guide us into good radon mitigation services nearby for help.

  5. I liked what you said about how you shouldn’t buy a home with radon problems and a mitigation system can help get rid of it and find out where it comes from. My dad has been thinking that there might be some radon in his home and he wants to make sure that there isn’t but he doesn’t think that it’s a big deal. Getting a mitigation system from a professional could be really useful and allow him to protect his family.

  6. Thanks for these tips about testing for radon. My wife and I are hoping to buy a house next year in the spring. Before we buy a house, we’ll want to find a professional who can test for Radon.

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