$75 Teleflora Summer Giveaway
Hosted by Give Oh Giveaway
Who does not like that wonderful surprise of opening the door and a beautiful bouquet of flowers starring at you? That is such a special feeling. I am sure we all love it. One of my favorite are birthday flowers! Teleflora.com has everything you need.
Fine Print: This code can be used at Teleflora.com for $75 (plus the service fee is waived). If you want to send a more expensive bouquet (or multiple bouquets), then you would just pay the cost over the $75 on the one order. The code expires 10/16/14
Who is ready to win??? Right now we are giving away $75 code to Teleflora! Giveaway ends 7/21 at 11:59pm EST. Open to US only.
Disclaimer: No purchase is necessary to enter. Void where prohibited by law. The odds of winning are based on the number of entries received Open to US, 18+ only. Confirmed Winner(s) (by Random.org) will be contacted by email. Winner(s) have 24 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. The sponsor(s) will be responsible for product shipment to winner(s) of this giveaway. This blog is not responsible for product shipment/delivery. This event is in no way administered, sponsored, or endorsed by, or associated with, Facebook and/or Twitter, Google, Pinterest. This disclosure is done in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 10 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
I would send it to my mom..she has been feeling blue lately and I would like to brighten up her day a bit.
I would send to my daughter because she is in another state and I miss her
I would send to my mom!
I’d send it to my mom. She’s had a lot of stresses lately, and would love it!
I would send it to whoever is next of my friends to have a baby.
I have a couple of people in mind. 1) my sister, who is having a really hard time after loosing our mother. 2) My Aunt who retired for health reasons from teaching after 35 years.
i would sent it to my mom,because she so deserve it ,she is my best friend and my everything.
to my sister in california since i don’t see her that often
I would send a Teleflora bouquet to my mom for helping me out of a tight spot yesterday
I would send this to my oldest daughter. She’s far away and could always use a bit of chippering up.
I would send this to my nonna who just recently went into an (hopefully temporary) assisted care facility.
I will send it to my sister for her birthday so it will make her day cheerful and bright!
My mom or my grandmother…just do because….to do something nice for them! Thanks for doing a great giveaway! 🙂
I would send it to my Mommy. She loves flowers and her birthday is next month.