
5 Tips for Helping Your Kids Embrace Sports (the Healthy Way)

Sports have long since been a wonderful and engaging past-time that people all around the world have engaged in. They offer people a chance to be healthy by being active, give them a chance to be part of a team and bond with others, learn about the competitive spirit, and also pick up on some new skills. Many people embrace sports from their childhood, and carry their love for them into their adult years, but that’s not to say that sports come easily for everyone.

If you’re struggling to get your kids to embrace sports and find the joy in being active, it could be that you need to take a different approach. Here are five tips that will help you get your kids outdoors, embracing sports, finding joy in the activity, and all in a healthy way that doesn’t result in arguments and sulking.

Introduce Them to a Variety of Sports

Sometimes the problem isn’t that your child has no interest in sports, it could just be the “wrong” sport you are trying to get them involved in. For example, just because you enjoy playing soccer doesn’t mean you have a budding soccer star on your hands. Maybe your child’s sport of choice is tennis – a totally different vibe and energy.

The goal should be to introduce them to, and teach them about, a wide array of sports, both winter and summer sports, indoors and outdoors. You can do this by playing the sport with them, watching it on TV, going to a live game, or just reading about it with them.

Practice with Them

After they decide on a sport they are interested in, it can make a huge difference if you take an active role in their new hobby. Why not get out there and practice with them, offer encouragement and tips, and really help them to build up their confidence. Even just having someone to train with can help to improve their game/skills.

Take for example the pitchers pocket for those in baseball. You’ll get years out of this tool for young pitchers, and it’s something that can really improve their skills and knowledge. This will help them with their aim, their speed, and even their stance – all of which is essential in the game of baseball.

Ensure They Have the Right Equipment

Kids can get discouraged rather quickly and easily, which is why you want to try to set them up for success in sports. This means teaching them about the rules, helping them to learn technique and skills, and of course ensuring they have the right and necessary equipment to play the game safely and properly. Equipment can include a helmet, specific footwear, pads and protections, a mouth guard, and so forth.

Winning Shouldn’t be the Main Goal

This tip probably goes without saying but it’s still worth hammering home to your kids. The main goal in playing sports shouldn’t be to win. Sure, a little competition is healthy and good, and it can act as a motivator to improve one’s skills, but winning truly isn’t everything. Teaching kids the benefits of being part of a team and being active are much more useful.

Be the Parent Who Yells Encouragement

If your child is on a team and you’re sitting in the stands watching the game, make a point to be the parent that yells encouragement. You don’t want to be the one yelling at the coach, the referee, or other players. The idea is to keep things fun and light-hearted. 

Look Forward to Years’ Worth of Sports Enjoyment

By using these tips you’ll be able to encourage your child to take part in sports and view them with a healthy attitude.

2 thoughts on “5 Tips for Helping Your Kids Embrace Sports (the Healthy Way)

  1. Thanks a lot for sharing such a great piece of article! I found it a good helpful write-up with a good sound and explanation. Here I got a number of concepts that is definitely helpful to help kids embrace sports. Please keep sharing more updates!

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