4 Easy-To-Grow Flowers For Beginner Plant-Parents
So, you’ve taken an interest in growing your very own flowers at home, but you’re at a loss as to where to really start. Well, dear reader, this article is sure to help you in your endeavor of being a plant-parent, along with many other plant-parents out there in the community! This article is almost like a crash course on how to grow your very own flowers.
So why become a plant-parent? Well, there are plenty of benefits that come along with becoming a plant-parent! Benefits like a connection to your “roots” – and I’m referring to mother nature herself. There’s also the possibility of you turning your plant-tending into something like a stress-reliever. Doing so can be beneficial to your concentration.
If you’re here in this article, you’re probably wanting to know which flowers you want to grow that will look beautiful but still relatively easy to grow – maintenance and development wise. We’ll be giving a couple of examples of flowers that are easy to grow and even give you extra details like how high they can grow or what shades of colors they will bloom as.
What Do Zones Mean?
Any starting plant-parent needs to learn about this term so that they can tell if their area and if the season that they are planting their flowers will grow properly. Zones are geographical locations where climates directly affect how the plant grows.
Knowing these types of information can greatly help, especially if you’re planting seedlings and bulbs that are sensitive to climate. Flowers like alliums, tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths all come from bulbs. If you want to know more on how to propagate these plants, you can click here.
When Is The Best Time To Plant Your Flowers
Some flowers require you to plant them earlier in the season so that they can find the right time to bloom! Like planting the bulbs of the flowers in the fall so that they can bloom in spring! You probably can’t plant in wintertime due to the frost so you have from spring to fall to plant your flower bulbs. Here’s a guide on when to plant your bulbs if you need more help.
Why don’t we start off with an iconic flower that everyone seems to love? Sunflowers are probably something that almost everybody enjoys seeing since it’s bright yellow color seems to lift up your mood, and the color itself represents happiness. The color contrast they possess(yellow and brown) is just too good to not look at.
Sunflowers are an annual flower – meaning it can complete its whole life cycle within one season. They can keep growing as long as they don’t set a seed – like when you cut them. It can grow up to 16 feet. They bloom in the summertime since that’s when the sun shines the brightest! They can even tolerate most soil types, so you don’t have to be specific!
Marigolds are great if you want a flower that can help drive off the pesky mosquitoes loitering around in your home. Just like the sunflowers, these flowers are annual. Still, they can bloom from between spring, summer, and fall – you probably won’t see any of these annual flowers growing in the wintertime.
Marigolds can bloom with gold, red, and yellow shades, though they can sometimes be mixed! The vibrancy of these colors are sure to brighten up your home/environment, and in turn, your mood! Unlike the sunflower, marigolds can only grow up to about 36 inches or 3 feet if you prefer that measurement.
Sweet Peas
Moving away from the more happy colors, we have an extremely fragrant flower that is also an annual flower, but blooms in the cooler colors of blue, purple, pink, and white. These flowers need the support of a wall or a fence, so make sure you plant them close to one so that they have a straighter look as they grow up to about 8 feet.
These sweet peas can bloom through spring and early summer, or fall in cooler areas. You need to seek out loamy, well-drained soil for these flowers. You also need to soften the outer shell by soaking the seeds overnight before planting. Though the seeds may look like edible sweet peas, don’t actually eat them since they are toxic!
I think you’ve already gotten a clue as to the general trend that all of these flowers have! They’re all annual, including this addition, Zinnias! The growth pattern of the zinnias flower is much like the sunflower, excluding its soil preference. You’d need rich but well-drained soil with a moderate amount of water. It also grows best in full sun, blooming in the summer.
The zinnias flower doesn’t grow very tall, only about up to 24 inches, or 2 feet. You get a variety of red, orange, pink, white, yellow with the zinnias flower, so no matter which colors your flower blooms, it’s going to look pretty! Not only do you get a good range of colors, but the variety in shape is also quite good with the zinnias flower – daisies, dahlias, and poms!
You have a shortlist if you want to know which of the flowers are best to grow for aspiring plant-parents such as yourself! I’m sure this isn’t enough to supply your thirst for wanting to know more about taking care of your plants, but it’s a great start since this article just tells which flowers are best to start out with!
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