$300 GIFT CARD Sponsored by H&R Block Giveaway
I’ve partnered with theNightOwlMama.com and Stuckathomemom.com as well Afropolitianmom.com and several other amazing bloggers to bring you this Fabulous $300 Gift Card Giveaway sponsored by H&R Block.
Details on the H&R Block Emerald Advance line of credit:
H&R Block will begin accepting applications in offices November 25th so set up your appointment today!
All you need to apply is an unexpired government-issued photo ID and your most recent pay stub (no W2 form required!)
You don’t already need to be an H&R Block client to apply
The Emerald Advance is a line of credit you can draw from as you need it. You can use it year-round for unexpected expenses and other short-term credit needs. It’s that easy!
disclosure-Night owl mama has asked me to join in the promotion for $300 Gift card Giveaway sponsored by H&R Block. No compensation was received. The prize was provided and may be shipped to the winner by H&R Block, but all opinions at the top expressed in the post are my own and not those of H&R Block. Entrants must be 18 or older and located in the US only. Winner to be chosen at random. If you have any questions please ask Night Owl Mama. Thank you
To learn more about H&R Block Emerald Advance line of credit and/or to make an appointment in order to apply in a participating H&R Block office from November 25 to January 15, 2013. please visit H&R Block Emerald Advance.
Enter the Rafflecopter below for you chance to win $300 Gift Card sponsored by H&R Block Complete as many entries as you can to increase your chances of winning.
I learned that this is year round available credit. I hadn’t even heard of this program before today. I think it is great especially with Christmas and our county taxes due all at the same time.
Save money this Holiday Season: For diabetics, a Sugar free baked pie from a Grocery bakery is affordable!
They offer a line of credit beginning November 25th and required an ID and earnings statement!
I learned they offer live support through their 1800 #
my holiday tip is shop the sales and black Friday for best deals!
you can borrow up to a $1000 and use your tax refund to help pay it back. that would definitely help in an emergency, money issues can be very stressful for a family especially with small children.
That it’s an advance, not a credit card, therefor not letting you fall deep into debt since you have to repay it before getting more.
Save all receipts so if it goes on sale cheaper you can get a price adjustment.
Money saving tip: Going out for Thanksgiving? Most places serve lunch until 4; prices are generally less than what you’ll pay for dinner.
I learned that you can borrow up to 1,000 year round from Emerald Line of Credit!
I save money by using coupons as much as possible!
I find it interesting that you can do this repeatedly through their Emerald program. That’s pretty amazing….and it’s available all year, not just at tax time.
I make most of my cleaning supplies and personal body care things. Saves money and much better for you.
One of the fb like tabs did not come up.
Buys things earlier in the year, when they’re on sale
Black Friday, coupon clipping and opening a Christmas Club Savings Account for next year.
I learned that you can repeatedly borrow and repay up to $1000126, depending on bank approval!
I save money by using coupons and sticking to my monthly budget!
buying meat in bulk and repacking and freezing the extra.
combining coupons with sales and rebates every chance I get.
h.r is year round. i thought they were just for tax time.
I learned that Emerald Advance is a year round line of credit and a portion of your tax refund can be used to pay it back.
I usually try to do as much of my shopping as I can at sales like Black Friday. Who can afford Christmas gifts without shopping sales?
I learned that they have live support and that you can download software right through their site.
I learned you can use the line of credit multiple times if you pay it back
I save money by comparing prices at a variety of stores, finding sales & using coupons
Black Friday shopping. There are some good deals to be had.
It’s not a good deal if it’s something you dont actually need.
Black friday is a lot of fun this year!
I learned you can borrow money early and use your taxes you get to repay it
I save money by rolling my own cigerettes.saves about 2oo$ a month
do Christmas shopping on black Friday and when items you want are on sale!
I save money by using coupons and buying things on sale.
Rebates,coupons and black Friday sales.
I learned that this credit is available year round.
I try to save 5-10% of all of the money that comes in.
Shop around before you buy.
Take advantage of free shipping specials.
I learned that the emerald card has no monthly or yearly fees.
I learned it is now year round!
Price matching
Wait til things go on sale.
If you also take a little money out of your paycheck each week and do direct deposit into a saving account, it’s easy to save without even feeling it’s missing.
Make a list ahead of time.
Buy your gift bags at the dollar store.
year round credit, coupons and savings. no fees.
Do Yankee Swaps so you don’t have to buy a gift for every single person.
This is a great way to have year around credit and I think there tax advance through H&R Block is amazing!
I Coupon my heart out for my family.
They offer a line of credit.
Make sure you have your shopping trips planned out ahead of time!
I learned that if you qualify, you can use the line of credit of credit year-round.
I buy things on sale and only the things I need
I learned the H&R Block now offers help navigating the confusing health care tax issues.
I learned that the Emerald PrePaid Mastercard rates in the top three most consumer-friendly prepaid cards.
I always use coupons and shop in 4 different grocery stores for their loss leaders.
Watch for sales starting months before. Prices aren’t always cheaper black friday or before Christmas.
I learned the emerald card has no fees.
I do all of my holiday shopping by comparative analysis on the web.
Look for after xmas sales, for xmas cards, lights and wraping paper too use next Xmas.Deb P
Look for one day deals and free shipping. Xmas.Deb P
I learned that the APR for the Emerald Advance Line of Credit is 36%.
I think looking for the best deals before you go out to shop is a good tip.