The Review Team

10959478_10206020225443393_2661898111800174394_nHello friends, fans and family! Thank you so much  for taking some time to really get to know the people that represent the Miss Frugal Mommy blog. My name is Heather and I am the face behind the blog, the one the writes, vlogs and travels in order to gather for you the most informative opinions on the items and places I have used/experienced first hand. I have so much passion and heart when it comes to my blog and strive to create honest and quality content that feels real. 

A little more about me? I have the incredible privilege of being mom to my three beautiful children whom are my entire world. I met the love of my life when I was just seventeen years old and could not imagine a life in which we were not together. We have overcome many hardships, been there for each other when no one else offered a hand, and built an amazing life together. We both grew up in the state of Maine and one year ago my husband accepted a job in Georgia, where we currently reside. Living so far from my family has been one of the most difficult experiences and I often fantasize of a day where I can move them all down here! We absolutely love our life in Georgia and have agreed that this is defiantly a place we want to raise our little family.

I am a very optimistic person and always try to find the positive in everything. I have seen enough death, tragedy and hardship in my life to realize life is too short to be miserable all the time. Negativity is so toxic and I would rather spend my time on this earth sending out positive energy. I am also a huge horror movie fanatic, love the lake, drink coffee and chi tea around the clock, baby wear my littlest, and collect owls (obviously!)

Review Team Kids

I welcomed my first daughter into this world just a few months after my 19th birthday. Being a teen mom was undoubtedly one of the hardest things I have ever experienced, but thankfully I was blessed with a man that embraced it and never left my side. My oldest daughter is one of the most compassionate people I know, loves animals, bugs and getting dirty. You won’t find her playing with dolls or barbies, but outside turning rocks in search of bugs to collect in her container. She is not afraid to be herself and for that I am thankful!

My son is my most loving child of the three and a huge mama’s boy. This guy is seriously going to be an amazing husband someday, he is just so sweet and considerate! Always helping me, watching out for his sisters and giving me compliments. When I paint my nails, do my hair fancy or try a new eye shadow… he is always the first one to notice and compliment me!

My sweet baby girl… oh what an amazing and sweet child I brought into this world. She is by far the happiest baby I have ever had and is always smiling. She is an easygoing baby that hardly ever complains, she is just so content and happy all of the time. She will take her tiny little hands, grab a hold of both of your cheeks and plant a slobbery kiss on your face. She loves to hug, chase around her older siblings and play with them, and brings so much happiness to our family.

cat reviews

We adopted our sweet and loving cat when I was pregnant with my first daughter. We tell people all of the time that she was our first child and we spoil her to bits. She is such a huge part of our family and I could not imagine our life without her. We